The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Murder of the Imperial Family - List of Yekaterinburg Items

List of Items Found in Yekaterinburg

The following is a list of items formerly belonging to the murdered Imperial family that were found by the White government investigators in Yekaterinburg. The list is revelant to the Alexander Palace as it shows the types of personal objects, books and clothing used by the family in the palace and taken hence to Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg. It is obvious that other items were added in Tobolsk and the family made local purchases of books, ikons, glasses and other things. Additional items were also sent by the Commissar of the Alexander Palace - his intention was to ease the lot of the family. Packages were also received from friends and relatives.

This list will be of interest to those who are interested in the life of the Imperial family in capivity and their ultimate fate. The objects shown here were either stolen by the guards or found partially destroyed by fire or trambled in garbage heaps near the Ipatiev House. They represent a small fraction of the possessions of the family in exile. The most valuable items were never found. Items from the Alexander Palace were returned to the palace and added to the museum collection. Many objects remained undiscovered during the White occupation and turned up when the Bolsheviks retook the city. Some of these ended up back at the Ipatiev House when it became a museum celebrating the murder of the Romanovs. The list comes from the French edition of Sokolov's investigation into the murder of the Imperial family. It was translated by Rob Moshein. The translation may not be perfect, but Rob volunteered to do this work for free and we are very grateful. Our thanks to Rob Moshein.

This information is for educational purposes only and should not be reproduced or used commercially without prior written approval. If you find this list or other parts of the website valuable we ask you to consider making a donation to the APA for the preservation of the Palace archives in St. Petersburg or the Romanov archive in Moscow.

Bob Atchison


1. A jewel case covered on the outside with lilac silk moire, and lines inside with white satin, from House of Fabergé.
2. A coin purse in brown leather, with brass fastener.
3. Fragments of a "tissue-uni"(?)
4. Fragments of a black intermediate strip (nb: a piece of cloth used to join two panels of a dress)
5. A buckle and a fastener, burned, of a woman's garter
6. An iron strap buckle
7. Fragments of a tissue with two small rings
8. A small sheet of letter paper on which one can distinguish written in ink the following words: "Siednef...Nostalgia...grief...profound..."
9. A small frame board of an icon carring on its reverse the following inscription: "X.V. 1916. A"
10. A small lid for a casket (nb: coffret)
11. A small metal circle, and belonging with no doubt to the same casket
12. A bronze handle of a casket
13. The iron blade of a calendar from the House of Sytine
14. A small tube of yellow glass with buttons
15. The burned pieces of a toothbrush handle
16. Two equal pieces of white glass, apparantly of a round object
17. Four fragments of glass
18. A fine copper plate (?nb 'lamelle')
19. Two pieces of a porcelain saucer
20. A round piece of another porcelain object
21. Stems of artifical flowers, falling to ashes when touched
22. A small glass vial with spiral threaded neck
23. A small burned piece of silk fabric
24. Two pieces of fabric
25. An epaulet braid of a general of the retinue (suite), carrying a sewn monogram "N II" and the crown
26. A small metal box of gramophone needles
27. A porcelain pin head with the initials "SV"
28. Fragments of tooth brushes and nail brushes
29. Fragments of porcelain dominoes
30. Iron pieces of indeterminate origin
31. two pieces of a porcelain vessel
32. Two locks
33. A belt buckle
34. Fragments of epaulets
35. Pieces of glass objects
36. Metal pieces of frames
37. A metal corset rib
38. Two metal candlesticks
39. A thimble
40. Hairpins and pins
41. Two sugar tongs
42. Two hooks
43. The metal back of a calendar
44. Nails and other metal fragments
45. A metal net
46. The top of a round lid in wood, with a design
47. five pieces of faded light metal
48. A small porcelain box with a metal cover
49. The metal body of a razor sharpening tool
50. Seven metallic parts of various fasteners of frames, coin purses and handbags
51. Eight pieces of oval rods from two small frames, one black and the other bluish
52. Two metal bodies of folding frames with clasps
53. Four metal buckles of three different types
54. Six doors of little frames or caskets (coffrets)
55. Fragments of different glass vials
56. Piece of a handle in gutta percha
57. A glove button
58. A small key
59. The burner of a small lamp
60. A burner wick and oval shield with metal cover
61. The stopper of an air cushion
62. A small glass tube
63. Metal fragments, small rings, spindle tips
64. A small gramophone needle box with womens' buttons
65. Two mica crosses
66. Knitting needles
67. Gold threads from a braid
68. Bits of gold melted with other metals
69. Fragments of wood brushes, six small balls and a small chain
70. A pin threaded with grains of glass
71. Six bits of wood, glass and clay
72. Four revolver cartridges, Nagan type
73. A copper mounting, a copper plate (nb: lamelle), and a small tube of flattened copper
74. The metal frame of a woman's handbag
75. A small handbag, black
76. A piece of a handkerchief, marked with an "A", apparantly belonging to Demidova
77. Several small bits of a destroyed frame
78. A piece of a stole removed from an icon
79. A small playing card (8 of diamonds)
80. A small piece of dark green silk and a black velvet ribbon
81. A metal monogram "18 9/VIII 9..."
82. Gold thread of a braid and cord
83. An officers cockade
84. "Archal"(?) thread
85. The board of an icon
86. A small silk cushion with the mounting of an icon
87. Two metal plates
88. scraps of cardboard
89. Bits of a letter
90. Bits of a metal frame with glass
91. ten steel pens
92. Four men's buckles, mark tailer Lidval, six small military buttons with eagles, three womens' glass buttons, the remains of buttons in wood and nacre (mother of pearl)
93. Several pieces of women's silk stockings, up to date (modern), a mans shoe heel, with remains of ironwork


94. A cardboard box with ten glass magic lantern slides
95. An oval wood icon, of the Savior Angel, carring on its anterior side a split produced by a blow, and on its posterior side this inscription in black pencil, in the Empress hand: " Christ is Risen, 25 March 1912, Livadia"
96. Three spools of film, "Kodak" 12 1/2 by 10
97. Three metal plaques coming, without doubt, from a valise, on one found the monogram "AF"


98. A wooden icon with a small twisted metal ring. It is impossible to distinguish the face of the Saint On back, the Empress has written in her hand "Save Us and Protect us, Mother. 1917, Tobolsk" . Above the inscription a cross is drawn
99. A wooden icon. Impossible to distinguish the figure of the Saint. On the back, one sees the remains of an inscription in Old Slavic, where only the word "the afflicted" is decipherable
100. A white blouse, of an older woman with interspersing and embroidered with flat dots
101. A woman's white handkerchief, cambric
102. A black silk handbag
103. A small pink silk ribbon with grey edges
104. A black collar, of typical moire, carrying a sewn ribbon of the order of St. Vladimir cut in place with the cross
105. A small ribbon of St. George, 6 1/2 inches long, 1 inch wide, stained with mud
106. The braid of an officer
107. A small glass jar
108. A small water bottle, full of water, with the image of St. Simeon of Verkhoutsk
109. The image, in a metal frame, of St. Seraphim the miracleworker of Sarov
110. the image in enamel of St. Simeon of Verkhoutsk
111. A small bottle of water, carrying the inscription:"Your Faith saves you. The Monastery of the Holy Trinity"
112. Six bottles of different sizes containing pharmacutical products
113. a piece of brown leather with repousse designs from a handbag
114. A small glass tube containing white powder
115. A small round photograph frame, decorated on the interior edge and exterior with a strip of leather
116. A metal frame mounting
117. A small charm locket with a photo where the image has been made unrecognizable
118. An oval charm locket with the engraved letters "XV"
119. A copper strip (nb:"lamelle") of a necessaire marked with a crown
120. The round glass from a photograph frame
121. A small bottle in the form of a carafe containing a powder
122. A lead tube of ointment
123. A white metal cover of a box of soap
124. A metal jar
125. A piece of a pottery teacup
126. A bottle of ointment
127. The copper cover of a bottle of powder
128. A small scent bottle with a copper atomizer
129. A general's epaulet
130. A soldier's braid
131. Four small pewter boats and a small pewter horseman (cavalier) - child's toys
132. A five Kopek coin
133. A cameo of average size, Pompeian, representing a woman's profile
134. Three lotto balls, numbers 1,4,9
135. Six wood building blocks, child's toys
136. The cover of an earthenware soup tureen
137. A metal thimble

Tchemodorov stated that item numbers 100-103 inclusive belonged to Anna Stepanova Demidova "The handbag no.102, he said, hung on the wall by the bed. Demidova never separated from it and it held the objects which she found always necessary. The black uniform collar with the ribbon of Vladimir (no.104) belonged to Doctor Eugene Sergeavich Botkin. He always wore the Cross of Vladimir, 3rd class. As regards the ribbon of Saint George (no. 105) he had been removed to the cloak with which he never separated from the Emperor."

Here is what Tchemodorov said on the subject of the two icons, no. 98 and 99:

"They belonged to the Imperial Family and were found in the large bedroom." After Tchemedorov, the Officer's cockade and the small glass box belonged to the Emperor - nos. 108-123 inclusive to the Grand Duchesses - the epaulette of the General (no.129) to Prince Dologoruki - nos. 130-135 inclusive to the Tsarevich - no. 136 to the dishes of the Emperor and the thimble (no. 137) to Demidova.


138. Image of the Divine Savior, of large dimension, bordered in brown. On the backside there is a cross drawn and the inscription: "Save us and Protect us--25 May 1913, from A.V. Moscow"
139. Image of the Divine Savior, of large dimension, bordered in light brown, carrying on its back the inscription: "Ts S. Anastasia 1914, 5 June"
140. Image of the Divine Savior, of average dimension and bordered in brown. On the backside a cross is drawn in pencil accompanying the inscription: "Save us and protect us, from A. 1913"
141. Image of the Divine Savior, of average dimension bordered in grey
142. Small image of the Divine Savior in a wood frame with strips of black and gold
143. Small image of the Divine Savior, carrying on its reverse an English inscription, with only the following words possibly legible: "God...protect Rose who loves you. May 10, 1909"
144. Small image of the Divine Savior, in a small metallic frame, carrying engraved on the backside: "Those who suffer in your flesh cease to be a sinner. When the pain increases in us, Christ increases our hope in the salvation of which he finds us worthy"
145. Small image of the Savior, engraved and ornamented, on a strip of white iron, with a wooden support. On its backside one reads traces of the inscription: "This image appeared to our cousin when she died..."
146. A large image of the Virgin of Potchaiov, the reverse is covered in blue velvet
147. A large, old, image of the Virgin, on wood, in black on red ground
148. A large image of the Virgin of Tobolsk, with a blue border around the icon, carring on its backside a cross drawn, and the inscription of the Empress: "Save us and protect us. - Christmas 1917. Tobolsk. Alexis"
149. A small icon of the Virgin of Tobolsk
150. An image, average size, of the Very Holy Virgin of Abalak, on colors, carrying on its backside a drawing of the cross and this inscription in the hand of the Empress: "To our dear Tatiana, blessings for the 12th January 1918, Tobolsk, Papa and Mama"
151. Small image of the Virgin, joy of the afflicted, in colors, carrying on its backside this inscription in the hand of the Empress: "T.N. 27 February 1913, Ts.S. from Mama"
152. A large image of the Virgin of Kolomna, on wood
153. Small image of the apparition of the Most Holy Virgin, with the incription on its backside: "from Anya, 1916. T.N."
154. A small image of the Very Holy Virgin, in colors, carrying on its backside this inscription in the hand of the Empress: "To our dear Olga, blessings from Papa and Mama. Spala 3 Nov 1912"
155. Small image of the Very Holy Virgin of Abalak, in colors, carrying on its backside this inscription in the hand of the Empress: "T. Save us and protect us. Mama. Christmas 1917. Tobolsk."
156. Same image with the same design and inscription
157. Small image of the Very Holy Virgin the Helpful, painted on wood, carrying on its backside the inscription ; " From Anya. 9 September 1915. N"
158. Small image of the Very Holy Virgin the Helpful, painted on wood
159. Image of the Very Holy Virgin the Helpful on canvas, in colors
160. Image of the Very Holy Virgin who eases the suffering, in colors, carrying of the backside: "A.F. Oct 1908"
161. An image of the Virgin of Vladimir, on wood, with on the reverse the inscription: "Tobolsk (Holy icon) 3 Sept. 1917. From Nastienka"
162. A small image of the Virgin, in colors, with on the reverse the inscription: "From Anya. 1916"
163. Small image of the Virgin, in colors, with on the reverse and on the bottom the inscription: "From the sister of Mercy O. Sechevtchcuk."
164. Image of average size of saint Nickolas the Miracle Worker, in colors, with on the reverse the following inscription: "Blessings from the Russian Ermitage of Saint Andrew at Athos."
165. A small image of Saint Nikolas the Miracle Worker.
166.²A small image of Saint Nikolas the Miracle Worker, with gilt silver cover.
167. Small image of Saint Seraphim of Sarov, painted on wood.
168. Small image of Saint Seraphim of Sarov, in a metal frame under glass
169. Image of Saint George the Victorious, of old work, in an oval frame, suspended on a chain, with on the reverse in the Empress's hand: "Kh. V. Maria, from Papa and Mama, 1913"
170. A small image of Saint Simeon of Verkhoutsk, in colors, with on the reverse in the hand of the Empress: "To my dear Tatiana from Anya, 1916"
171. A small image in a metal frame of Saint Simeon of Verkhoustk
172. A small image of Sainted Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustace, on wood
173. The same image with a small ring on back side
174. The same image with on the backside in pencil the drawing of a cross and the inscription: "A. Tobolsk."
175. The same image with on the reverse written in the hand of Tatiana Nickolaevna: "Tobolsk 1917, 22 December, T.N."
176. The same image with on the reverse: "December 1917. Tobolsk, Holiday of 14 April."
177. Small image of the saint Martyr Maria Paraskeva Piatnitza, on wood, with on the reverse: "From the old Maria Mikhailovna. Novgorod. 11 December 1916."
178. Image, average size, of Saint Serge Radoniejski, on wood
179. Small image of Saints Cosmos and Damian
180. Small image of Saint Prophet Elijah
181. Small image of Saint John of Tobolsk, in colors, with on the reverse: "Blessing of Saint John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk and of Siberia, 23 April 1918"
182. Same image with same inscription accampanied by the date 5 May 1918.
183. Same image, same date with, in the hand of Tatiana Nickolaevna: "T.N. Tobolsk"
184. Image much smaller of Saint John of Tobolsk, with on the reverse: ²"Tobolsk, 11 August 1917, from Nastienka"
185. Same image with on the reverse "Tobolsk, 11 August 1917"
186. Image again much smaller of Saint John of Tobolsk
187. Image larger of same saint
188. Image on wood of the Savior, with on the reverse, in black ink: "They have received their consolation and blessing from Gregori and Anna" All the words, except "Gregori" are written in the same hand, that of Vyroubova. That of Gregori is in the hand of Rasputin.
189. Image of the Very Holy Virgin of the Annunciation, on wood with on the reverse in black ink and with bad handwriting: "God rejoices and consoles and gives warning to the world." Above written in another hand: "Dec. 1910" The inscription is evidently that of Rasputin. On the image, one sees the Virgin Mary, an archangel holds a branch and the Holy spirit beneath forms a dove.
190. Image of Saint John Voin, on wood, with on the reverse, in black ink and in the hand of Rasputin: "God bless us for that"
191. Image of the Virgin on wood, with on the backside, in black ink in the hand of Rasputin: "Blessings for the birthday of Tatiana"
192. Image of the Virgin. this image, after Tchemodorov, is that of the Virgin of Feodorov. The halo is punched and contains a star of diamonds
193. Image of the Virgin of Kazan
194. Image of the Virgin of Tchenstokovo



195. THE LADDER OF PARADISE, bound in red and gilt. On the verso of the flyleaf is a lozenge shaped paper with the monogram A.F. and the imperial crown. On the title page the Empress wrote in pencil "A.F. Ts.S. March 1906"
196. the book OF PATIENCE IN SUFFERING. It is covered in blue, with gold and niello. On the verso of the cover a paper shaped in a lozenge with the monogram A.F. and the Imperial crown. On the reverse of the flyleaf the Empress wrote in her hand: "A.F. Peterhof, 1906"
197. A COLLECTION OF PRAYERS, covered in dark blue calico. On the flyleaf, a round paper engraved with entwined monograms of N.A. and A.F. with the Imperial crown. On the last page is written in ink the date "6 May 1883" In the book is found dried flowers and a small ring
198. The BIBLE, covered in black calico. Many passages are underlined and the book contained dried herbs, leaves and wildflowers
199. A French book
200. THE LARGE IN THE SMALL by Serge Nilus
201. BLUE AND GOLD by Avertchenko
203. A.P Chekov, Books II, VIII, XIII


204. A book in English brocade. On the first page, the drawing of a cross and english verse written in the Empress's hand, and on the verso, written in the same hand: "V.K. Olga 1917. Mama. Tobolsk" The book contained three small sheets of paper. On one is written the poem of Sully-Prudhomme, THE BROKEN VASE. On the other two, Olga Nickolaevna wrote the following:

"Queen of the sky and earth, consolation of the afflicted, listen to the prayer of sinners, you are the hope and the salvation.
We are bogged down in the filth of passion, we err in the gloom of vice. But...our Father! O, turn toward her gaze which sees all.
The Holy Russia, your luminous dwelling is in peril of perishing. We invoke you, Protecterice, we know nothing but you.
Do not abandon your children, spirit of the afflicted. Do not divert your gaze from our grief and our martyrdom.

Send us the patience, Father, to support us in this year of dark days and tempests, these persecutions of the people and these tortures of our executioners.
Give us the strength, O just God, to pardon the wickedness of our neighbors, and to carry the heavy bloody cross with your humility.
And in these riotious days , when our enemies strip us, help us, Saviour God, to suffer the shame and the insults.
Master of the world, bless us with your prayer and give the peace to our soul appeased at this terrible hour and unbearable.
And at the gates of the tomb, make us born again with the lips of your slaves the superhuman force of humble prayer for our enemies.

 205. THE EAGLET, by Rostand, with red cover with gilt. On the verso of the third page is the incription in French "G.d.O.N. from P.G., Spala 3-XI-1912"
206. An English book: The Princess and the Goblin, carrying in English on the second page "for darling Olga, From Aunty Irene, 1903"
207. A French book, FRANCE AND ALL ITS EPOQUES. On the verso of the cover, the Tsar has written " Christmas 1911, 24 December. Tsarskoe - Selo, From Mama and Papa" and next to it "Olga - N"


208. RITUAL FOR PREPARATION OF HOLY COMMUNION. Book in blue cover, carrying on the first page in the Empress's hand "To my dear Tatiana, from Mama, 9 February 1912, Tsarskoye Selo"
209. THE FAVORS OF THE VIRGIN, with red cover,on the verso of the cover, in the Empress's hand, part in English part Russian; "For my darling Tatiana, her loving Mama. Tobolsk, January 12, 1918"
210. A BOOK OF HOURS, in brown hardback. On the first page this inscription in the Empress's hand "T.N. Tobolsk, 1917, 30 September"
211. LETTERS ON THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, with black cover. Inside the cover, the Empress wrote in her hand "To Tatiana, 1917, Ts. S. 12 July"
212. OF PATIENCE IN SUFFERING, grey brocade. On the corner of the cover, the Empress wrote "T.N. 1917"
213. THE LIFE AND MIRACLES OF ST. SIMEON THE JUST OF VERKOUTSK, with greyish cover, with on the corner in the Empress's hand: "T.N., Tobolsk, 1918"
214. THE LIFE OF OUR HOLY FATHER SAINT SERAPHIM OF SAROV, with greyish cover with on the corner in the Empress's hand "T.N. Tobolsk, 1918"
215. SING TO THE GLORY OF THE HOLY VIRGIN, with this inscription from the Empress "T.N. 27 February 1913, Ts.S."
216. TWELVE GOSPELS, with glossy grey cover, with on the inside in the Empress's hand: "To my dear Tatiana, from Mama 1905"
217. MY LIFE IN CHRIST, hardback cover in brown. On the first page the Empress wrote: "T.N. 1915"
218. CONOLATIONS FOR THE LOSS OF THOSE NEAR, in light grey cover. On the cover the Empress wrote: "T.N. 1917"
220. CONVERSATIONS ON SUFFERING, by Philarete, covered in blue with gilt tips
221. GREAT CANON, by Andre Kritski
222. COLLECTION OF SERVICES, PRAYERS AND HYMNS, with glossy red cover and gilt tips. On the fly-leaf the inscription "To dear Tatiana, from S. Tutcheva who loves her, 1908 25 November."

223. An English book THE WIDER LIFE, with glossy light blue cover and gilt back. Behind the first page the Empress wrote (in English) "For darling Tatiana, from A. 1909"
224. An English book
225. An English book, LIFE'S OPEN DOOR
226. AUDACIOUS LIFE, by Tcharski, with hardback cover with a small painting. On the verso of the the fly-leaf the Empress wrote "to my dear Tatiana from Papa and Mama. January 1908"
227. HISTORY OF PETER THE GREAT, by Tchistiakov with blue green cover
228. An English book, THE KING MAMBO, with the author, Paul du Chulus dedication
229. An English book by the same author, MY OPINING KINGDOM, with dedication, with light green cover
230. An English book, THE COUNTRY OF DWARVES, with dedication and same cover
231. An English book, TALES OF SHAKESPEARE, with brown glossy cover
233. ANTHOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD by Frederick Bataille, in French


234. TO PARIS, by Avenarius, with on the verso of the fly-leaf "M.N. Christmas 1913, from P.V.P"
235. MANUAL FOR THE STUDY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES with the signature of Marie
236. REFLECTIONS by Popov, school book
237. An English book THE ROLE AND THE RING


238. Four books of the Works of Lazietnikov, volumes 1 & 2 with glossy colored cover


239. METHOD TO PLAY THE BALALAIKA, with glossy blue cover, monogram A and the crown on the cover
240. A school notebook with yellow cover on which the Tsarevich wrote: "French Notebook, Alexis" Five pages are full of translation
241. Notebook with blue cover with the government seal of Tobolsk and the Siberian Empire. On top is imprinted "1916-Souvenir", inside are views of Tobolsk
242. DATEBOOK of 1916 with glossy wooden cover and copper clasps. It contained notes from his teachers GIBBS and GILLIARD on his uses of time and his health


a. at the home of MICHAEL IVANOV LETEMINE, Yekaterinburg

243. Diary of the Tsarevich, hardbound and covered in steel covered silk. It is entirely written in the Tsarevich's hand. It started with 11-24 March 1917 and ended 9 November 1917: "Today passed like yesterday and also sadly."

On the first page of the diary, the Empress wrote: "All creatures are chosen by the Creator. Time and years are in His power. Bless us in your Mercy and preserve the Emperor in peace. And save us..." Under these words, the drawing of a cross. On the second page the Empress also wrote "To my dear Alexis, your Mama, Tsarskoye Selo"

244. A small book of accounts, covered in red moroccan leather. The receipts are inscribed of the sums of the Chancery of His Majesty. Almost all the expenses are for the Church. The book starts in February 1912 and ends June 1917.
245. A silver reliquary
246. An image of Saint Alexis, metropolitan of Moscow, oval form in porcelain, encased in a silver casket with gold accents, opening from underneath. The interior contained relics. Around the image were emeralds and diamonds
[247 omitted]
248. A rosary made of shells, with a small broken cross
249. Two candles of white wax, on one is entwined with a gold circle and the other is ornamented with a gold design and a small bouquet of flowers
250. Two solid "stearine" candles
251. A woman's umbrella in black silk, a black wood handle with a silver handle head engraved "Alix 1891"
252 A panoramic photographic apparatus
253. The instructions for this apparatus
254. Two boxes with 33 negatives
255. 22 magic lantern views
256. Two small white metal buckes with brilliants
257. A flacon of toilet water
258. A glass soap dish without its cover
259. A bone nail box of french manufacture
260. A tortiseshell comb
261. A shoe brush
262. A pair of white girls' gloves
263. Two small uniform buttons with coat of arms
264. Five round black buttons, four of which with brilliant stones
265. Four black plain buttons, and one black with design
266. A white wire pincushion
267. A packet of pins with black heads
268. Two packets of combs
269. A small cushion for sticking pins with several pins with black heads and one with a metal head
270. A small man's shirt, white
271. A man's nightshirt, white with a trace of a removed mark
272. A velvet tablecloth with designs and fringes
273. A crimson cloth
274. A bedspread with a mark removed
275. A bedspread of white cambric with the mark "N.A." and the crown
276. A down pillow in red satin. The top of the pillowcase carrys the mark "A.F." and the crown
277. A fine small cushion in silk
278. Ten white tablecloths made by hand
279. A torn up pillowcase carring the trace of a mark "M"
280. A small napkin of same design as the tablecloths
281. Three pillowcases, of which two are hand made of white thread
282. Laces for a bedspread
283. Black man's rubber garters
284. Woman's slippers
285. A strop of fine yellow leather with a white buckle
286. A Reaumur thermometer on a metal mounting
287. A tin alcohol lamp
288. An alcohol lamp plate for a curling iron
289. A "Zella" alcohol lamp
290. Two pairs of steel scissors, one large the other small
291. The wood body of a mirror and part of the mirror
292. A steel paper cutting knife, folding
293. The handle of a table knife
294. A flask used for "seccotine"
295. A box with eight electric light bulbs
296. A small packet of powder
297. A box in tin, with candy
298. A small green box in carton
299. A copper hand bell
300. Steel tweezers
301. A paste artists brush
302. Two artists paint brushes
303. A red pencil
304. A tin box of cigarettes, brand "Regie"
305. A large cup in matte glass
306. A white faience box
307. A white faience lid
308. Two faience saucers for teacups, and two small faience plates
309. Two faceted glasses
310. A packet of powder
311. A pepper box in tin
312. A small tin box
313. Two padlocks
314. Eleven white envelopes, in which four contained sheets of blue letter paper, strong
315. Five small grey envelopes with white lining
316. A large glass box in cylindrical form
317. A travel canteen, covered in black leather, closed by a belt, the upper corners and sides are reinforced by leather strips
318. A yellow satchel for a field telephone, covered in linen with leather buckles
319. Child's toys in steel: a boat, a dinghy, two caissons with their cannons, the body of a cannon, seven infantrymen, six cavaliers, and two horses
320. The Tsarevich's spaniel dog "Joy"

Michael Ivanovich Letemine handed over these items himself, declaring that he had removed them from the Ipatiev House; his declaration is contained in the verbal proceedings of the investigation.

In the course of his interrogation by Serguiev, he declared that he had gathered all of the objects left behind in the Ipatiev House and its grounds and that he had given refuge out of pity to the Tsarevich's dog.

Tchemodorov assisted in the investigation. He recognized these objects which belonged to the Imperial Family in their suite and were found in the Ipatiev House.


321. Seven similar toys; two boats, a dinghy, two horses and two soldiers.

Kouzma affirmed that these had been received from his brother several days before the investigation.

322. A travel bag in yellow leather with metal locks
323. A small portfolio lined in red moroccan leather
324. Two cuff links; one oval, the other round, with the date 27 July 1914. Each closed by a small ring hung on a small gold chain
325. A large roll of compress
326. A compass
327. A small silver ring, covered in dark blue enamel
328. A small silver ring, covered in black enamel, wider in the middle at a shield with a gold design. On the enamel: "Most Holy Mother of God, save us"
329. Three pair of grey cloth gloves
330. A pair of wooly socks
331. A napkin

Tchemodorov declared on 10 August that the rings belonged to the Grand Duchesses and the rest to Dr. Botkin.

332. A yellow box in polished wood
333. Three "melchior" forks
334. Two red wax candles, wrapped in gold paper, one 2/3 lenghth, the other whole
335. A Reaumur thermometer
336. A scent bottle
337. An iron file with wood handle
338. A small white cambric handkerchief, the initial has been cut out
339. A similar handkerchief, the initial has been cut out
340. A similar handkerchief with blue border and inital cut
341 A similar handkerchief without border, the initial has been cut out
342. A small frame in brown wood. In the frame a small watercolor representing a yacht with three masts and two smokestacks
343. A very small frame, covered in blue leather, wrapped with two gold nets
344. A very small frame, covered in lilac leather, with two gold nets
345. Same frame covered in blue leather
346. Same frame, but a little larger
347. Tweezers with a black wood handle

Tchemodorov declared that all of these objects were found in the Ipatiev House and that particularly the box, file, frames, tweezers belonged to the Tsarevitch, the handkerchiefs to the Grand Duchesses, the dinner fork to the Emperor.
It is framed in wood. On the side of the Saint's elbow has been broken a small box which had contained relics.

The icon was discovered in the cemetary where it had been thrown during the investigation. It was presented to Tchemodorov who recognized it as belonging to the Empress.


349. A lilac enamel pencil, with the cipher "A.F." and the date 1915
350. A small frame, clear green, for photos
351. A small frame in clear enamel, for photos, ornamented with a garland of roses
352. A small bronze frame for photos with a small crown of laurels
353. A small powder box in green enamel
354. A gold wedding ring, purity "94"
355. A hatpin in enamelled metal, with, in the center, an empty place for a stone
356. A gold medallion with a gold cross on the top part
357. A similar medallion, but a little smaller than the first
358. A gold medallion
359. A gold medallion. On one of the exterior sides the date "6 February 1875". On the interior, under glass, a lock of light blonde hair
360. A gold medallion
361. "
362. "
363. " with serration
364. A small cross of non-orthodox form, in gold
365. A small cross of non-orthodox form, in silver with Christ crucified in relief
366. A small orthodox cross in gold
367. A small gold necklace, carrying three crosses
368. A round image in silver portraying the Divine Savior
369. An image exactly the same
370. Four small charms
371. Four bottles of cosmetics
372. Three pieces of glycerine soap
373. A spray atomizer
374. A white silk moire umbrella in a white silk sheath. The tip and head of the handle are in ivory, the point in dark green jasper, joined at the head by a gold ring with two silver crowns
375. A black silk umbrella. The point is metallic with the end in twisted silver
376. A white linen umbrella
377. A green bottle with a product of the Court pharmacy
378. A small bottle of medicine
379. A white porcelain egg on a pink silk ribbon. The egg carrys in gold the letter "N" and the Imperial Crown
380. A lamp
381. Image of St. John the Baptist, of a large size
382. A small black brooch in the form of a button
383. 56 skeins of sewing silk of different colors
384. Four yellow wood knitting needles
385. Two duvet cushions
386. A long narrow cushion, well stuffed, in satin on one side, in chamois on the other
387. 14 white table napkins with designs; each carrying on the corner the initial "N" and the Crown
388. A white tablecloth in linen
389. A bodice unsewn in pistachio silk and linen
390. A bodice in very good silk, pink, with the lace well made roughly sewn with simple thread
391. A woman's lilac carriage dress; skirt and jacket. This last lined in white silk, with collar and cuffs in dark lilac velvet, and four buttons of lilac velvet
392. A silk bodice of dark green color, ornamented with black lace on the cuffs and on the back
393. An English woman's dress, lightweight, light grey; skirt and jacket, the jacket lined in grey silk, with folded back collar, ornamented with striped grey ribbon
394. A bodice in wool, with two pockets on the back, the cuffs lined in striped grey silk, with lace collar, closed on the back by a grey silk tie
395. A skirt and bodice in fine grey cloth, ornamented with a greyish silk ribbon with design
396. A long jacket of white linen lined with white silk, a folded back collar ornamented with a simple ribbon with design
397. A costume in white wool, taken apart and redone. The edges retain traces of anterior decoration
398. A long jacket in white wool, taken apart and redone. The edges retain traces of anterior decoration
399. A small woman's blouse, of fine cloth, pigeon throat grey
400. A skirt of fine wool cloth, light grey
401. A skirt and a blouse, in white linen with insets
402. A small blouse of white silk with insets, lined in silk
403. A white summer skirt, pleated
404. A white skirt in silk muslin. It is unsewn
405. Two dresses, plain, in cambric of dark color
406. A warm underskirt lined in silk
407. A black silk underskirt
408. A black silk underskirt
409. A white cambric underskirt
410. A white cambric underskirt
411. A white cambric underskirt
413. A bodice, black, in linen, with high collar and short cuffs
414. A light costume, in fine cloth, blue grey color, redone
415. A small winter hat in otter fur, with earflaps and napeflap, and a rigid visor
416. A woman's shirt, in linen, redone
417. The trimmings from the bottom of a womans shirt, in silk
418. The sheath of a coat in fine whith cambric
419. The top redone of a womans skirt, in silk
420. A skirt where the back has small pleats
421. A piece of white silk
422. A piece of white "madapolam"[?]

NOTE: 4/12/98. I noted on your web page that item 422 is a piece of "Madapolam". This is a fine plain woven cotton fabric still used for covering glider wings and lightly loaded aircraft surfaces. I presume it had a use prior to the massed use on aircraft and since it is of high strength and quality I would guess that it may have been used for basic sewing practice or even bedlinen. Hope this helps.

Jonathan Howes.

423. A bodice, white, in silk, where the corset ribs have been removed
424. A bodice, with corset ribs, the cuffs unsewn
425. A bodice, silk, unsewn
426. A bodice, silk, short cuffs, mother of pearl buttons
427. A white silk bodice, not perfectly resewn.
428. ""
429. Three silk corsets, blue, pink, and cream
430. Four muslin bodices
431. A white camisole, knitted in silk, with mother of pearl buttons
432. A woman's shirt front, white in knitted wool
433. A white scarf in gauze, where the middle is covered with black speckles
434. Three gauze veils in silk, white with black dots
435. A silk shawl, fine, of oriental type, at the bottom green, with yellow and pink designs, with a border red, yellow, blue and pigeon throat grey
436. The same shawl with yellow bottom, with a green and red design
437. A black scarf in silk plush and fringed in plush
438. A pair of woman's stockings, black, in silk
439. A pair of woman's stockings, white, in scotch thread, for daytime
440. A silk scarf, narrow, of oriental type, with pink bottom
441. A woman's belt, white, in silk, undone
442. A rectangle of yellow silk, prepared to be cut
443. Two bands sewn, each with pieces of fine white silk, with blue designs
444. A white silk scarf with fringe
445. The trim of a shirt in silk, pale lilac
446. A rectangle of silk prepared to be cut
447. Several spools of moire ribbon, color blue and pigeon throat
448. A piece of yellow canvas, on which a design has been prepared in pencil. The design has been started with colored wool
450. A silk blanket, sable color, plain, lined with otter fur, and lined with pistachio silk.
451. The covering of a divan cushion, in silk
452. A white fabric duvet
453. Woman's house slippers, with laces, in buckskin
454. A bed sham with insets and plaits, of dark color and ornamented with lace
455. A pillowcase in linen cloth, coarsly sewn with different threads
456. A wool sweater of brown color
457. A white man's shirt, pleated in the back
458. A man's shirt with brown stripes
459. Stockings in down stuffed wool, of greyish color
460. A man's vest, grey with black stripes
461. A bed sham, with insets and ordinary lace of coarse work, made out of a bed sheet.

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