The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Murder of the Imperial Family - Yurovsky Note of 1922 - русский

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Yurovsky Note of 1922 - русский









 With our most grateful thanks to Raegen Baker for obtaining this rare text of the Yurovsky Note of 1922 expressly for the Alexander Palace Time Machine.

Palace Archives

WMF Report
Diaries and Letters
Murder of the Imperial Family
Travel Guides
Romanov Archives

Creation - Christ Deesis Mosaic in Hagia Sophia

Learn how the Deesis mosaic of Christ was created, this page is loaded with details you never knew about each stage of its construction.

Vestibule Mosaic of Constantine and Justinian

Everone when visits Hagia Sophia as a tourist today enters from the vestibule on the south side of the building.  Here was discovered a beautiful mosaic.

Charles Cameron - Imperial Architect
Memories of Aleksei Volkov
Alexander Palace Book Finder