The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Murder of the Imperial Family - List of Palace Items That Went to Tobolsk

Sent from the Alexander Palace in 1917


We, the undersigned the officer for commissions for the Director of the Hof-Marshal's Department A. A. Guebel, Inspector of the stocks of the rooms of the Palaces' Management Department N. I. Suslov and the lackeys Kuznetsov, Nick. Deardt, Philip Batyan, Rodin and Serg. Deardt certify by our signatures the fact that on 9 September 1917 we were present in person and took an active part in packing and arranging things which, by the order of the Commissar of the former Ministry of the Court F. A. Golovin, are to be sent to Tobolsk from the Alexander Palace and we acknowledge the fact that in thirteen boxes and five bast mat packages there are the things enlisted in the following list:

Box #4 - Round clock #161-8519, quantity - 1 from Dr.Derevenko's room.

Box #4 - White round clock #31- 451 (1) from the heir's classroom.

Box #3 - French clock in a mahogany case #5207/m from the study of the English suite.

Box #3 - Camp docks with their cases (2) from the English and aide-de-camp's suites.

Box #3 - Round nickelled clock (1) from the dining-room of the children's suite.

Box #3 - Round barometer (aneroid) #9530 (1) from the heir's suite.

Box #3 - Hygrometer (1) from the heir's suite.

Box #11 - Cinema Projector (1) and a stand for it (1).

Package 13 - Folding screen (1) in a case.

Box #4 - 21 boxes of films.

Box #6 - Magic lantern with its equipment and pictures (1).

Box #4 -Gramophone(1).

And its parts:

Box #1 - Speaking trumpet.

Box #4 - Disks (2).

Box #5 - Disks (1).

Box #3 - Balalaikas (2).

Box #3 -Six pairs of skates.

Box #1 - Electric desk lamps (14) from Their Majesties' rooms.

Package #16 - Wicker couch (1).

For it:

Box #3 - Bedspread (1).

Box #6 - Mattresses (2).

Box #3 - Cushions (7) from Their Majesties' rooms.

Box #4 - Cushions (7) from Their Majesties'rooms.

Box #6 - Needlework basket (1) from Their Majesties' rooms.

Box #12 - Light screens (4) from the children's suite.

Box #3 - Mats (2) from Their Majesties'rooms.

Box #4 - Mats (5) from Their Majesties'rooms.

Box #4 - Bed strips of carpet.

Box #6 - 1 piece ##956, 11-5976-5 from the children's suite.

Box #3 - 2 pieces.

Box #7 - 4 pieces, other box - 3 pieces. Different table clothes (9) (5 table clothes from Their Majesties' rooms

and 4 - from the children's suite).

Box #17 - Folding skies (2 pairs).

Box #18 - Ordinary skies (8 pairs), sticks for the skies (40).

Packages 14 #15 -Sledges (6).

Box #12 - Mats (5).

Box #9 - Persian carpets (3), 3597, 3600 and 3683 (from Their Majesties' own carpets which were kept in the store-rooms).

Box #10 - Machine for wiping feet (1).

Box #17 - Gymnastics bar (1).

In different boxes there are hangers for dresses (100).

Box #4 - Samovar (1).


Box #5 - Frosted glass ones (6), porcelain ones with gilt handles made to look like cupids (2), white porcelain painted ones (4) from the 4th entrance and the floors of the rooms. Some of them belonged to Alexander III and were sent to him from the Porcelain Factory.

Box #5 - Small vases made of the English faience with a design of flowers (2) from Her Majesty's own rooms.


Box #5 - Different paited cups (6) from the 4th entrance sent to them from the Porcelain Factory.

Box #5 - Washing set consisting of 7 items (7) from the Empress's bedroom..

Box #5- "Chamber encyclopedia" in 10 volumes (10) from the Empress's Maple Room.


Box #3 - of crimson damask - 10 halves, trimmings (5), undertrimmings (5), cord (50 arshins) from the storeroom of the room stock (all these things used to be in Tyutcheva's sitting-room).

Box #4 - of olive-coloured plush (10 halves).

Box #5 - Trimmings (5).

Other box -

Ambrases ? (5 pairs), undertrimmings (5), cord (50 arshins).

(All the above-mentioned things except for Box #3 are from the 4th entrance from General's Ressin's rooms).

Box #7 - Portraits of the heir (of an unknown artist #65), of the Empress and the Grand Duchesses (artist Kaulbakh) #66, 67, 68, 69 (6) from the Empress's Maple Room and from the Emperor's New Study.

Box #7 and box #10 - Portraits of Alexander III and Maria Fyodorovna (photographs), of Alexander 11(water-colour in a heavy bronze frame) #236.

Box #3 - Nicholas I (water-colour) #237-4 from the Emperor's Study.

Box #3 - Water-colour of the heir by Samokish #257 and photographs of the Empress and Tatyana Nickolaevna (2), from the Emperor's Study. Portraits of the Grand Duchesses, Nesterov's "The Annunciation" and some other things were returned from Moscow in 1926.

Nesterov's Pictures:

Box #7 - The Annunciation (oils) #51-1.

Box #8 - In a Small and Secluded Monastery (water-colour) #142-1 from the Empress's Mauve Room. Box #3 3 lithographies and a print ##104, 105, 106, and 107-4.

Box #8 - Madonna with Child (a copy of Boticelli's picture) #146-1 from the Empress's bedroom.

Box #10 - Floor-mats of medium size (2).

Package #16 - Big floor-mat (1).

Signatures of Colonel Guebel, N.Suslov, F.Botyan, S.Deardt, V.Kuznetsov, Rodin. Cerified by the Chief Clerk lzmailov.


Thirteen packed boxes and five bast mat packages with the things from the Alexander Palace being sent to Tobolsk and the list of those things (to be delivered to the Hof-Marshal's Department). Received by (signature) Colonel Guebel. Tsarskoe Selo, 12 September 1917. Certified by the Chief Clerk Izmailov.


APPENDIX 11. -LIST of bigger things which used to be in Nicholas II's rooms in the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo packed and sent to the Kammer Department and then partly transferred to Tobolsk.

Reception Room:

1. Eight silver dippers in the form of a boat.

2. Silver Vase.

3. Two Big Silver Dippers.

4. Gold Bowl in the form of a chalice with an inscription dedicated to Governer Saltykov

5. Silver nobleman's seal.

6. Bas-relief with a female figure.

7. Silver Dish with an eagle with spread wings presented by Prince Yusupov for the coronation.

8. Silver Dish presented by Serguey Alexandrovich on the same occasion.

9. Silver Pole-axe in the form of a long handle with 6 feathers.

10. Jasper Press.

11. Gold-ore piece.

12. Press with Maria Fyodorovna's picture.

13. Five silver bullions smelted of Nicholas II's shoulder-straps and buttons.

14. Stone Ash-tray in a gold case.

15. Gold Medal of the Caspians (?).

16. Shooting School's Silver Plate.

17. English Silver Medal.

18. Silver Medal with Peter's and Nicholas II's portraits.

19. Silver Plate from the Exhibition in Tsarskoe Selo.

20. Lyceum's Silver Medal.

21. Cadet School's Silver Medal.

22. Nicholas II's Silver Shooting Prize.

23. Rhodonite Ash-tray.

24. Shots' Society's Charter - a brochure.

25. Blue leather-bound notebook with Nicholas II's silver monogram.

26. Silver Badge of the Fyodorovsky Cathedral.

27. Silver Badge of the Kiev Olimpiad.

28. Big Oval Silver Dish of ancient work.

29. Two Big Silver Ancient Dishes.

30. Ancient Silver Engraved Oval Vase with a Lid.

31. Gilt Silver Vase with Chains - Queen Victoria's present.


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