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Romanov Archives - Expenses of Nicholas II

From the Romanov Archive


This page contains extracts from the expenses of Nicholas II and focuses on personal expenses related to clothing, shoes and other personal items. Nicholas's expenses were paid through one than one department depending on the type of expense. For example the expenses of running his residences, official events, staff and many of his purchases of gifts, art work and special Imperial commissions did not come out of his personal accounts.

The accounts detailed below relate to the Tsar's truly personal expenses and the detailed entries will indicate. They extracts from Nicholas's expenses are from several years and come from specific bills submitted by these vendors to the Imperial Court for payment. Imperial vendors usually had a long tradition of supplying the court and Nicholas was often saddled with suppliers with little regard to his own personal tastes or desires. However, Nicholas had very conservative - almost passive - tastes which resulted from years of upbringing in the Romanov tradition of accepting whatever food or suit of clothes was laid before you. The Tsar inherited many of the suppliers of his father, who had inherited many of these relationships from his own father. Changing a supplier or a traditional order from a long established vendor created vast problems for Nicholas and his staff. The Tsar once remarked that it would take ten men to simply change the color of one pair of his tennis socks. In the face of such a glacial system the Tsar seldom made the initiative to alter things. He put up with the established order and let his valet and ministers make decisions about his wardrobe.

Nicholas was very concerned about the appearance of extravagance. He wore his suits until they were threadbare and had his shirts recuffed and recollared until the fabric was nearly worn out. This made things quite difficult for his valet, who had the responsibility of keeping the Emperor's clothes perfectly cleaned and pressed. In one regard Nicholas was extravagant in his wardrobe - uniforms. His collection was and remains one of the finest in the world.

This material comes from the archive of the Alexander Palace in the Russian State Archive in Sr. Petersburg. Complete files exist for all of the Tsar's expenses and those of his family. Material such as this is extremely valuable for understanding the daily life of the Romanovs in the palace.

The chart shown below for the Tsar's expenses does not necessarily show the total of all expenses. The amounts do not exactly equal the credit and debit amounts.

This information is for educational purposes only and should not be reproduced or used for any commercial purpose without prior written approval. If you find this list or other parts of the website valuable we ask you to consider making a donation to the APA for the preservation of the palace archives in St. Petersburg or the Romanov archive in Moscow.

These entries were translated by Jsenya Dyakova.

Bob Atchison

Year19031913 1916
Personal Expenses8657.3510841.50 2114.25
Family Allowances4365.004425.004963.55
Extraordinary Grants 9560.004950.004340.00
Gifts and Premiums 3777.001166.00263.00
Pictures and Other Works of Art4447.344366.65 4343.05
Extraordinary Expenses8600.00 - -
Nicholas's Expenses on Wardrobe and Toilet in 1903


I. Bills from Sitkov, shoe and boot maker - 3 bills - 209, 650 and 384 roubles and 75 kopecks.

The firm Sitkov and Sons was situated in St.Petersburg in Bolshaya Morskaya St.,28 and in Moscow in Tverskaya St.,15. He was the supplier of His Majesty's Court and Their Highnesses, Grand Duke and Grand Duchesses. From the bills it is clear that from August 1902 to August 1903 the firm made for him:

5 pairs of high boots: 2 pairs made of French shagreen leather - 45 roubles; patient-leather high boots in the Prussian hussar style with a galloon - 75 roubles; thick shagreen leather walking high boots - 65 roubles; 4 pairs of boots: 3 pairs made of one piece of calf skin with toe-covers - 28+26+26 roubles and one pair of boots with seams and toe-covers - 26 roubles; one pair of thin shagreen slippers - 35 roubles; one pair of patent leather shoes with coloured leather bows - 23 roubles. And they also refitted his footwear, namely: changed the heels of his boots for the new ones.
II. Tailor of military uniforms Nickolai Ivanovich Nordenstrem

St. Petersburg merchant of the 1st order, the supplier of His Majesty's Court had his shop in Nevsky Prospect, 43. He was also the supplier of the Court of Grand Duke Serguey Alexandrovich since 1895. He supplied Serguey Alexandrovich with military articles of clothing which covered the sum of 14500 roubles during the period of time from 1884 to 1895. He began to supply him in 1877. From December 1902 to December 1903 Nordenstrem's shop made the following articles of military clothing for Nicholas II:

Ball life-guard short cavalry uniform (colet) - 225 roubles
Winter dolman - 250 roubles
Parade chanchirs (?) - 55 roubles
Vice-chanchirs - 55 roubles
Life-guard frock-coat - 100 roubles
Frock-coat of the Moscow Regiment - 100 roubles
Frock-coat of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - 100 roubles
Sailor frock-coat - 110 roubles
Waist-coat - 15 roubles
3 wide pants - 38 roubles for each
Double-breasted jacket with a lining of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - 90 roubles
Sailor pants - 38 roubles
Infantry pants for riding - 40 roubles
Full-dress infantry uniform - 145 roubles
Full-dress life-guards infantry uniform - 135 roubles
They also cleaned and ironed his clothes, altered his frock-coats
uniforms, smocks, wide pants; so it's clear that Nicholas II began to gain weight in 1902,1903.
III. Citizen of Switzerland Henry Fallenweider, firm "Henry"

Supplied His Majesty's Court since 1895 with sailor and civilian clothes. His shop was situated in Bolshaya Morskaya St.,18. From April to August 1903 he supplied Nicholas II with:

Frock-coat, waist-coat and pants - 150 roubles
Dinner-jacket - 150 roubles
3 full suits - 115 roubles each
1 white tennis suit - 110 roubles
Autumn full coat - 140 roubles
1 frock-coat "Fantasy" - 30 roubles
3 white waistcoats for the tail-coat - 20 roubles each, 60 roubles
Bicycle pants - 28 roubles
Waistcoat for the suit - 25 roubles
Notespun (?) and a new silk lining - 28 roubles
1 silk tennis belt - 5 roubles

He also mended tail-coats, ironed long coats, waistcoats, washed them and he also broadened 6 coats and 11 pants which also shows that Nicholas II gained weight in 1903.

IV. In 1902 cutter Platon Monastyrsky of His Majesty's Personal Escort mended a Circassian coat and a beshmet and was paid 10 r. for his work.

V. In 1903 barber Maulle served Nicholas II and was paid 795 r. 55 k.+ 688 r.05 k.

Below is his bill of 688 r.25 k. paid for his services in 1913. Maulle G. Clara G. Coiffeur et fournisseur served Nicholas II since 1881.

December's bill of 1913 for the year of 1913.

January 10 - Hair-cutting done to His Majesty Nick.II in Ts.S.- 10 r.
January 10 - Fares - 3 roubles.
January 29 - Hair-cutting of Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo - 10 r.
January 29 - Fares - 3 roubles.
February 2 - 2 sharpened scissors - 50 kopecks.
February 14 - 2 packages of Ambre Imperial - 34 roubles 50 kopecks.
February 18 - Hair-cutting of His Majesty Nick.II in Ts.S. - 10 r.
February 18 - Fares - 3 roubles.
March 11 - Hair-cutting of Nicholas II - 10 roubles.
March 11 - Fares - 3 roubles.
May 2 - 6 chemises en Zephir - 51 roubles.
May 6 - 6 monograms below the crowns - 6 roubles.
April 1 - Hair-cutting of Nicholas II - 10 roubles.
April 1 - Fares - 3 roubles.
April 13 - Hair-cutting of Nicholas II - 10 roubles.
April 13 - Fares - 3 roubles.
April 13 - 6 bottles of cinchona water - 21 roubles.
April 15 - 4 black ties "regat" made of faille - 7 r.
April 15 - 2 black ties made of faille - 2 r. 50 k.
April 24 - Sachets Ambre Royal - 36 roubles.
May 3 - a dozen of socks - 29 roubles 40 kopecks.
May 3 - a dozen of socks - 27 roubles.
May 3 - 36 monograms on the socks - 28 r. 80 k.
May 3 - Hair-cutting of his Majesty in Ts.S. - 10 roubles.
May 3 - Fares - 3 roubles.
May 3 - 1 paire de sissors - 3 roubles 75 kopecks.
May 13 - Mended collars of 17 shirts - 17 roubles.
May 13 - Mended sleeves of 17 shirts - 17 roubles.
May 13 - Mended 6 epaulettes - 4 roubles 50 kopecks.
May 13 - Washed 17 shirts - 8 roubles 50 kopecks.
May 13 - Washed 6 black ties - 9 roubles.
May 13 - Washed 36 socks - 5 roubles 40 k.
May 13 - Conveyed the shirts - 3 roubles.
May 15 - His Majesty's Hair-cutting - 10 roubles.
May 15 - Fares - 3 roubles.
May 28 - His Majesty's Hair-cutting - 10 roubles.
May 28 - Fares - 3 roubles.
June - 6 bottles of cinchona lotion - 21 roubles.
June - 2 black ties "regat" - 3 r. 70 k.
June - Mended sleeves of 8 shirts - 8 roubles.
June - Mended fronts of 4 shirts - 6 roubles.
June - Mended 8 pairs of sleeves - 8 roubles.
June - Washed 8 shirts - 2 roubles 80 k.
June - 4 black ties made of faille - 7 roubles. July 9 - Conveyed the shirts to Peterhof - 3 roubles.
July 14 - 1 squamose comb - 6 r. 25 k.
July 14 - 1 comb with thick teeth - 5 r. 50 k.
July 23 - His Majesty' Hair-cutting - 10 roubles.
July 23 - Fares - 3 roubles.
July 30 - His Majesty's Hair-cutting - 10 r.
July 30 - Fares - 3 roubles.
July 30 - 12 bottles of cinchona water - 42 roubles.
July 30 - 1 Savon Rose de Constantinoples - 2 r. 50 k.
August 3 - 1 paire de bretelles (suspenders) Argosie soie (silk)- 4 r. 90 k.
August 5 - His Majesty's Hair-cutting - 10 roubles.
August 5 - Fares - 3 roubles.
December 19 - 6 bottles of cinchona water - 21 r.
December 19 - 3 Extraits Fagrea - 8 r. 25 k.
December 19 - 3 Savons Rose de Constantinoples - 7 r. 50 k.
December 24 - 24 Sachets Ambre Royal - 36 roubles.
December 24 - His Majesty's Hair-cutting - 10 roubles.
December 24 - Fares - 3 roubles.
VI. In 1903 glove-maker Morrison received for the cleaning of the gloves and for the new gloves 53 r.35 k.+ 111 r.75 k.+ 107 r.20 k.

VII. Fabrique de Chapeaux Bruno L., the supplier of His Majesty Nicholas II supplied him with articles to cover the sum of 36 r.

Bill of August 15, 1903:
1. Silk top hat - 16 roubles.
2. Soft felt hat - 12 roubles.
3. Fares - 8 roubles.
VIII. M.I.Skosyrev who owned the Store of the articles of clothing for officers in 1903 supplied Nicholas II with the articles covering the sum of 1234 r. 90 k.:
2 scarves, 7 service-caps of different regiments and also buttons, aiquillettes, waist-belts, plaits, plumes, eagles for the helmets, belts, sword-knots, ribbons for the button holes, hats, epaulettes, rings for the naval jacket, cartridge-pouches, ribbons and stars of the Russian orders.
IX. In 1903 Nicholas II paid to dentist Wallison 60 roubles for 24 tooth-brushes and tooth powder.

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