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Romanov Archives - Expenses of Aleksey

From the Archives of the Alexander Palace

This page contains details on the expenses of the Tsaevich Aleksey. The chart below contains expenses from three different years in graph form and specific information on domestics assigned the children's floor of the Palace and specific expenses for Aleksey in 1910. This material comes from the archive of the Alexander Palace in the Russian State Archive in Sr. Petersburg. Complete files exist for all of the Tsar's expenses and those of his family. Material such as this is extremely valuable for understanding the daily life of the Romanovs in the palace.

The chart shown below for the Tsarevich's expenses does not necessarily show the total of all expenses. The amounts dmay not exactly equal the credit and debit amounts. This information is provided for comparison purposes and is extracted from the account books, but is not 'audited'.

This information is for educational purposes only and should not be reproduced or used commercially without prior written approval. If you find this list or other parts of the website valuable we ask you to consider making a donation to the APA for the preservation of the Palace archives in St. Petersburg or the Romanov archive in Moscow.

These entries were translated by Jsenya Dyakova.

Bob Atchison


Year19111912 1916
His own expenses--120.00
Toilet and Wardrobe2501.573838.082988.35
Family Allowances803.00737.002568.00
Teacher's Salaries154.792820.8915357.11
Educational Facilities181.2917.6852.20
Pictures and Library-2.57-
Different Things3729.883051.365164.45
Staff Payments3294.465334.3512,864.31
Transferred to the
Economic fund

All of these amounts were billed in parts to each of the children's accounts

1. Nurse - Maria Vishnyakova - 2000 roubles a year
2. The nurse's helper - Alexandra Tepleva - 1200 r. a year
3. Chamber-maid - Yelizaveta Ersberg - 600 r. a year
4. Chamber-maid - Anna Utkina - 600 r. a year
5. Man-servant of the first rank - Alexander Sipovich - 600 r. a year
6. Man-servant of the 1st rank - Yakov Shamov - 600 r. a year
7. Unskilled Labourer - Michail Karpov - 300 r. a year
8. Unskilled Labourer - Matvey Chizhikov - 300 r. a year
9. Unskilled Labourer - Pyotr Butkin - 300 r. a year
10. Dyadka (man-nurse) of the Heir - Andrey Derevenko - 120 r. a year

In 1916 there were the following servants in Alexey Nickolayevich's Apartment specifically billed to his accounts:

1. Dyadka - Andrey Derevenko - 360 r. a year
2. Dyadka's helper - Klimenty Nagorny - 240 r. a year
3. Workman - Ivan Lavrov

Credit - 100.000 roubles
Debit - 100.000 roubles
Gifts - 423 r. 61 k.
Toilet and wardrobe - 2917 r. 68 k.
Family allowances - 444 r.
Premiums - 698 r. 33 k.
Pictures and Library - 3 r. 51 k.
Other expenses - 4008 r. 77 k.
Transferred to the economic sum - 85128 r. 08 k.
Staff expenditures - 3496 r. 05 k.


Footwear - 339 r. 25 k. to Weis
Clothes - 24 r. 13 k. to Swears and Wells.
Clothes - 352 r. to Kitayev.
Papakhas, etc. - 214 r. 50 k. to Skosyryev.
Stockings, etc. - 51 r. 28 k. to the English Store.
Jerseys, etc. 187 r.10 k. to the English Store.
Bathing-suits - 65 r. 60 k. to Dalberg.
Cleaning clothes - 151 r. to Dantsiguer.
Suits - 614 r. to Kitayev.
Smocks made by Tegleva - 5 r. 50 k.
Footwear - 692 r. 75 k. to Weis.
Service-caps - 174 r. to Skostev.

I. Alexey Nickolayevich's Wardrobe.

1) Boots and shoes for Grand Duke Alexey Nickolayevich were made in Henry Weis's Boot and Shoe Shop which was the supplier of Empresses Alexandra and Maria Fyodorovna and at the same time the supplier of the Court of His Majesty the Greek King. This firm was situated in Nevsky Prospect 66 and in Moscow (Kuznetsky Most, the Dzhamgarovs' House) and existed from 1880 up to 1917.

The firm got the Grand Prix in Paris in 1900 and in Reims in 1903.

During a year from March 1909 to March 1910 it supplied Grand Duke Alexey Nickolayevich with:

8 pairs of shoes, 13 pairs of boots (2 pairs of them were Polish), 5 pairs of high boots (2 pairs of them were American calf-skin boots), 1 pair of shoes, 1 pair of high overshoes, 1 pair of felt boots.
2) Tailor Kitayev, the supplier of Her Majesties the Empresses (his workshop was situated in Nevsky Prospect 68/40 near Anichkov Bridge in St.Petersburg, he was the successor of I.Krylov) supplied Grand Duke Alexey Nickolayevich during the period of time from May 1909 to May 1910 with:
35 pants (24 of them were linen) and 11 sailor ones (7 of them were black made of the English fabric silk-lined and 4 of them were made of cloth without a lining), 2 pea-jackets, 12 sailor shirts with collars, 12 bodices (6 of them were linen oneswith a cambric lining and 6 other ones were made of the English pique with a cambric lining and pearl buttons). He also altered Romanov's sheepskin coat (new fur, new long lining and new cloth embroidered cuffs), 2 cossack beshmets (kind of quilted coat) and made 16 pants longer.

During 6 months from January to June 1910 Kitayev visited the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchesses 27 times in Livadia, in Peterhof and in Tsarskoye Selo.

3) The Emperor's supplier M. I. Skosyrev (the firm existed since 1812 and was situated in Vladimirsky Prospect 4) who owned the shop of the articles of clothing for officers during the period of time from December 1909 to December 1910 supplied the Grand Duke with:
7 sailor summer and winter service-caps, 24 cockades and he also broadened 2 hats and 1 papakha (Caucasian fur cap).
4) The English Store supplied Grand Duke Alexey Nickolayevich with:
6 quilted coats, 2 combs and different fabrics (the store was situated in Nevsky Prospect 15, in Yeliseev's House).
5) Dalberg and Co which made woolen underclothes, quilted coats, felt shoes, Swedish coats, etc. and was situated in Gorokhovaya St.16 during the period of time from July 10, 1909 to January 14, 1910 supplied Alexey Nickolayevich with:
2 pairs of bathing shoes, one bathing cap, 1 tricot bathing suit, a dozen of Lisle thread stockings, 1 pair of white downy stockings and 2 quilted coats made of striped fustian.
6) Danciger and Co (steam dye-house and dry-cleaner's was founded in 1866). It dry-cleaned 42 articles during 1909 which cost 151 roubles. The bill of expenses shows that almost all Alexey's woolen dressing-gowns were blue in colour (they used the dry-cleaner's to dry clean pants, dressing-gowns, blankets and capes).

7) A. Telegina received 5 roubles 50 kopecks for the blouses she made.

In the year 1910 Aleksey's expenditure on pensions was 496 roubles. The pensions were paid to Negodova-Krot, Ivanova, Koshelkova and Zinovyeva, former wet-nurses and to Korovina, pediatrician's in ordinary widow.

IV. Family Allowances - 444 roubles:

to support the son of the former wet-nurse Ivanova;
to support the son of the former wet-nurse Koshelkova;
to support the son of workman Chizhikov;
to support Shamov's children.
V. Donations - 2005 roubles 64 kopecks.
Including 1000 roubles to the Society for Promotion of Hounds;
500 roubles were sent to the Cossack Chieftain (ataman) of the Uralsky Cossack Host for the Prize named after Alexey Nickolayevich in the Urals hippodrome in 1910.
VI. Premiums of 698 roubles 33 kopecks were paid:
75 roubles to 3 wet-nurses for the Easter;
one fifth of 2000 roubles to the gentleman of the bed chamber Yermolayev;
75 roubles to 3 wet-nurses for Alexey's birthday;
72 roubles to the servants in the Peterhof Palace;
75 roubles to 3 wet-nurses for Christmas.
VII. Different Grants - 378 roubles 33 kopecks:
75 roubles to nurse Vishnyakova as a sick benefit;
68 roubles to the servants in the Palaces in Tsarskoye Selo as premiums;
15 roubles to Sipovich as a sick benefit;
to the servants who rented dachas;
10 roubles to Shamov to spend on his leave;
5 roubles to Karpov as an extraordinary grant;
10 roubles to Chizhikov as a sick benefit for his wife;
75 roubles to Derevenko to spend on his leave.
VIII. Pictures and Library - 3 roubles 51 kopecks.
50 kopecks for the book "Ali-Baba" to Suvorin's Book Store;
2 roubles 50 kopecks for two copies of the alphabet in pictures to the St.Petersburg Store of educational supplies.
IX. Other expenses:
Payments to:
Brockar for eau-de-cologne;
Kostin for stationary goods;
Shtol and Smidt for oatmeals;
Medical attendant Furazhkin for feeding the dogs; Ostrogorsky for his visits and expenses on stationary goods;
Chamber-maid for different trifles;
Stock Company "St.Petersburg Chemical Laboratory" for eau-de-cologne;
Ptashnikov in Yalta for toys, etc.;
the Trade House "Victory" for a bicycle and an aquarium.
X . Staff Expenditure - 3496 roubles 05 kopecks.
In Payment to the servants in the Children's Apartment Vishnyakova, Tegleva, Chizhova and others.
XI. Additional payments to:
Professor Simanovsky, Pediatrician in ordinary for 19 visits - 900 roubles;
To the Honorary Surgeon in ordinary Fyodorov for his four visits - 1250 roubles.

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