The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Romanov Archives - Okhrana Surveillance Report on Rasputin

From the Red Archives

RasputinRussian State Papers and other documents relating to the years 1915-1918

Translated by A. L. Hynes
Imported into HTML by Rob Moshein



From the data of the external surveillance over Gregory Rasputin from the 1st Jan., 1915, up to the 10th Feb., 1916.

I January. Rasputin has sent a telegram to Pokrovskoe [his native village] addressed to the elder of the village:

"I have secured the wood free of cost; it is to be carried away when permission to fell has been granted."

10 January. ShapovaIenkova [a doctor's wife] has presented him with a carpet. He has dispatched a telegram: "Tsarskoe-Selo, Palace Hospital. Anna Alexandrovna Vyroubova. Although I was not present in the body, in spirit I rejoiced with you. My feelings are the feelings of God. I send an angel to console and calm you. Call in a doctor."

12 January. Rasputin has received a petition to His Majesty from a peasant of the government of Saratov, called Gavrill Panteleiev Shishkin, with an "appeal for remission (he has been convicted to imprisonment in a fortress on account of his connection with some sect); and another from a peasant of the government of Tambov called Alexander Ossipov Sleptzov, also appealing for pardon. The latter has been convicted for forgery of cheques.

Rasputin charged them 250 roubles for his trouble.

17 January. Rasputin spent fifty minutes in the public baths, in No-3, 4th Rogdestvenskaia Street, but whether he went there alone or with someone has not been ascertained.

18 January. The peasant Avgust Kornilovitch, an employee of Councilor of State Ginsburg [contractor for coal to the fleet] brought Rasputin 1,000 roubles, forwhich he took a receipt in the delivery book.

26 January. Simanovitch [a merchant] has brought Rasputin several bottles of wine. Rasputin gave a dance tonight in honour of some discharged prisoners. The entertainment was attended by the two Volynskys, Shapovalenkova, Maria Golovina and by four unknown men and six unknown women. One of the men carried a guitar. The party was very noisy, with singing, dancing and applause; it lasted till late into the night

28 January, Von Bock, accompanied by an unknown person, brought Rasputin acase of wine.

12 February. Rasputin was taken by an unknown woman into the house No. 15-17, Trotzkaia Street to Prince Andronikov [attached to the Ministry of Internal Affairs]. His departure was not observed, but at half past four in the morning he returned home in the company of six drunken men (one of whom was carrying a guitar). These people remained with him till six o'clock, singing and dancing. The following morning Rasputin received nobody, as he was asleep.

18 February. Rasputin has dispatched a telegram:

Tsarskoe-Selo. Vyroubova. Tell Korovina to be at your house at three to-morrow."

19 February. At 10.15 in the evening Rasputin came out of No. I, Spasskaia Street from the Solovievs [Soloviev - a Secretary of State], accompanied by two ladies and left for an unknown destination. He returned home alone at three o'clock at night.

21 February. Nicolai Alexeievitch Glazov visited Rasputin by car, bringing with him several bottles of wine; having been joined by Rasputin, they both drove to the Great Northern Hotel to see Terekhov-Miklashevskaia [a courtesan]. They stayed with her for one hour and fifty minutes.

10 March. Rasputin had a visit from Evgenia Karlovna Yegeva, who came to request his co-operation in her endeavours to obtain the contract for supplying the troops with underwear to the amount of two million roubles. At approximately one o'clock at night Rasputin received seven or eight men and women, led by Ensign Karpotiny a lad of nineteen, all of whom stayed till three o'clock. The whole company shouted, sang, danced, and stamped about; and, together with Rasputin, left in a drunken condition for an unknown destination.

11 March. At 10-15 in the morning Rasputin was overtaken by the watch in the Gorokhovaia Street and followed to No. 8, Poushkinskaia Street to the prostitute Tregoubova, and thence to the baths.

12 March. Alexeiev [a government clerk] has brought to Rasputin's flat one bottle of wine.

13 March. Miller presented Rasputin with a cap. At 6.50 in the afternoon Rasputin, accompanied by two ladies, set out for No-76, Ekaterinensky Canal to the Savelievs, where he stayed till five o'clock in the morning. He remained in bed all day in an exhausted condition.

14 March. Pogan has brought an ikon together with a collection-box, which latter he placed in the anteroom of the flat.

25 March. Rasputin has gone to Moscow.

26 March. In his absence Varvara Nishchenko came to solicit Rasputin's aid for the release of her uncle, Colonel Jiletzky, who has been called up from the reserve, for which assistance she promised to pay him 2,000 roubles.

30 March. Rasputin has returned. He has dispatched two telegrams to Moscow to-day: (I) "Great Gnezdnikovsk Lane No. 10 To Princess Tenishev. I rejoice in the revelation; am tortured by expectation. I kiss my darling." (2) Kozitzky Lane. Bakhroushin's House. To Djanoulove. Beautiful treasure, in spirit I am with you. Kisses."

3 April. Rasputin brought a woman with him, who spent the night in his flat.

9 April. At 9.45 in the evening Rasputin was followed to 18, Sadovaia Street to a graduate of the Moscow University, Alexei Frolov Filippov, formerly editor of the newspapers Money and The Bourse Gazette, where he was left at two o'clock. It was noticed that a gathering or feast was taking place in the house. Rasputin returned home at 6-30 in the morning.

15 April. Rasputin, accompanied by the monk Martian [a bosom friend], visited No. 45 on the Ligovka, the residence of the burgess, Vassily Evgenievitch Pestrikov. In the absence of the latter, they with young Pestrikov and another unknown student arranged a jollification. Some one played the piano; they sang, while Rasputin danced with Pestrikov's parlour-maid.

25 April. Rasputin has sent a telegram to the bishop of Tobolsk, Varnava Saw the Chief [the Procurator of the Synod]; refuses owing to the war. He was pleasant, but would not listen to our business."

26 April. At approximately ten o'clock in the evening a number of unknown men and women (ten or twelve) began to gather at Rasputin's flat. Among them were: Alexeiev Lissenko, and Rubinstein with a woman. Sounds of playing on a guitar and of dancing were heard; someone was being applauded. The party broke up at two o'clock.

27 April. Rumour says that Rasputin was sent for from Tsarskoe-Selo, but as he had not yet recovered from the night before, Volynsky and Baroness Koussova advised him against going, telling him "that he would ruin every-thing." The watch overheard them discussing him among themselves: "Our staretz [holy man] is indulging himself too much these days." Finally they persuaded him to rest for another two hours, and gave orders not to have him disturbed.

9 May. Rasputin sent the porter's wife to make an appointment with a masseuse, but she refused to receive him, whereupon Rasputin went to the eighteen-year-old seamstress, Katia, who lives in the same block of houses. "Why do you not come to see me he asked her. She told him that she had no clothes. Come to me in a week's time, I will give you fifty roubles," was his reply.

12 May. Rasputin dispatched a telegram to Sabler

Dear, beloved, yesterday we had a conversation there with Mamma [the Empress]; we found that it was not so easy to disturb our Master. They hope to arrest the matter."

Rasputin brought a prostitute to his flat and locked her up in a room; later in the day she was set free by the servant.

13 May. Rasputin sent a telegram to the governor of Tobolsk: "A suspicious man has been living at Pokrovskoe for the last three weeks, he sometimes professes to have come from Moscow, sometimes from elsewhere. Address reply Tsarskoe-Selo, Vyroubova."

14 May. At five o'clock in the evening Rasputin went to No. I5, Malaia Dvorianskaia Street to Belkovsky and Tsezareva. At ten o'clock the watch observed the following scene: one of the women present, having crossed the lighted reception-room, went into Belkovsky's bedroom, which was in darkness. A few minutes later she reappeared in a great state of excitement. Hereupon it was noticed that Rasputin, who seems to have heard the turmoil, ran out of the dark room into the hall, snatched his hat and coat and, without putting them on, made for the street. Two men followed him a few paces behind and one of them was heard to say "There he runs," afterwhich they went back into the house. Rasputin in the meantime jumped into a cab and drove standing to the Liteiny Prospect, keeping a sharp look out in order to ascertain whether he was being followed. He stopped the cab in the middle ofthe street, so as to allow all the traffic behind him to pass, then, having regained confidence, returned home.

18 May. The engineer Mendel-Neuman has requested Rasputin to intercede with His Majesty on behalf of a man sentenced to imprisonment in a fortress for, a period of eight months for evasion of military service and attempted bribery. Pogan acted as intermediary.

19 May. Rasputin told Neuman that his petition had been forwarded to "Him." Dlin, alias Dolina, has appealed to Rasputin to arrange for the naturalisation of the merchant Mandl.

26 May. Rasputin and the prostitute Tregoubova came home in Manus' car in an inebriated condition. While saying good-bye, he kissed and fondled Tregoubova passionately. Later he sent the porter's wife to fetch the dressmaker Katia, but she was not at home.

1 June. Rasputin has sent two telegrams to Pokrovskoe:

(i) "Novykh [his wife]. I am full of sorrow, longing to get home. A misfortune has befallen Annoushka; she will have to undergo an operation, I cannot get away. How are you? Kisses." (2) To the same village, addressed to Shestakov, the head of the combined post and telegraph offices. "Give them two thousand of your own; I shall make them good in three weeks' time."

2 June. At one o'clock in the morning Rasputin came home drunk in the company of Manus [a financier] and Kouzminsky [a Lieutenant in the Gvardeisky Equipage]; without going up to his flat, he sent the porter's wife for the masseuse Outina, who lives in the same house, but she could not be found. Then he went himself to flat No. 3 to see the dressmaker Katia. Here he was apparently not allowed to enter, as be came back directly and on the stairs assaulted the porter's wife, asking for kisses. The woman managed to disengage herself and ring up his flat, whereupon Dounia, Rasputin's maid, led him away.

14 June. Dobrovolsky [a Councillor] has presented Rasputin with a number of bottles of wine, which were later taken to No. 18 Sadovaia Street to Filippov.

15 June. Rasputin has left for his native village, Pokrovskoe. On his way Rasputin spent twenty-four hours in Tiumen, in the monastery of which his friend Martian is Father Superior. The latter gave a dinner in his honour, which was attended by several laymen with their wives. Rasputin was distinctly the worse for drink. According to Father Martian's words, Rasputin alone drank about two quarts of monastery wine.

20 June. Rasputin, accompanied by Martian, Patoushinskaia, and Dounia, went to see Striapchev, a man who lives in Tiumen. They drove horses belonging to the monastery and carried with them a packet of fresh cucumbers and half a vedro of wine.

24 June. Rasputin received some visitors in his house at Pokrovskoe, during which time he played the gramophone, danced and sang incoherent songs. He told his followers that he had saved from punishment 300 Baptists, who had agreed to pay him one thousand roubles a head, but that so far he had received only five thousand roubles. He also informed them that during his last audience with the Emperor he had succeeded in persuading him to postpone the calling up of the men of the 2nd Category till the autumn, i.e., till after harvest-time. On the occasion when the governor of Tobolsk was passing through Pokrovskoe, Rasputin came to the mooring-station and requested him to remit the fine of fifty roubles, which had been imposed on a peasant of the village for erecting a building on unauthorised ground.

25 June. Rasputin told the agents, while walking with them round the village, that he was beloved by three ministers: Goremykin [President of the Council], and Prince Shakhovskoy [Minister of Trade]; the third he declined to name. He said also that he was well acquainted with the Grand Duke Nicolai Nicolaievitch, and that in 1905 the Grand Duke would have granted Russia a constitution, had the times been ripe for it.

26 June. One of Rasputin's neighbours was much questioned about him by an unknown woman, who asked to be allowed to spend the night in her house. Natalia, however, would not give her permission and told Rasputin about the episode the next morning... He immediately dispatched the village policeman in search of this woman, but no trace of her could be found. Rasputin was very much alarmed and spent a long time recalling to his mind all his women acquaintances.

27 June. Rasputin received a telegram from Tsarskoe Selo: "I am unhappy and bored. Have written. Bless me. Anna."

29 June. He dispatched a telegram to Vyroubova; its contents are not known.

30 June. The Bishop of Tobolsk, Varnava, and Father Martian paid Rasputin a call; they came from Tiumen by cab. Father Martian brought two half-barrels of wine.

Part Two: July 1915 - February 1916

1 July. An unknown Jew came by steamer to-day from Tiumen to visit Rasputin. He seems to be a manufacturer, living at Perm. He stayed for forty minutes.

4 July. Rasputin was again visited by Father Martian, who, accompanied by Rasputin's wife and Dounia, embarked the same day on his way back to Tiumen.

5 July. Rasputin went down to the landing-stage to meet an unknown woman, who came from Tiumen. He spoke to her for twenty minutes, after which the woman left for Tobolsk. The same day he was visited by two other women, also from Tiumen, who apparently saw him for the first time. He dispatched two telegrams:

Tsarskoe-Selo. Vyroubova. "How are you? Kisses," and to Petrograd; 17 Poushkinskaia,to Dobrovolsky: "Let me know who left on the third."

7 July. The Deacon of the village, Kovrigki, paid Rasputin a visit; he kissed Rasputin's hand deferentially. At eight o'clock in the evening Elizaveta Petrovna Solovieva arrived from Petrograd and with her Rasputin's wife and Dounia from Tiumen.

9 July. Rasputin received Father Sergey, the newly appointed priest of Pokrovskoe, who also kissed his hands. At eight o'clock in the evening Rasputin left his house,very red in the face, apparently in a slightly inebriated condition, in the company of Solovieva. They mounted a carriage and drove to a distant wood. They came backin an hour's time, Rasputin looking very pale.

11 July. The wife of an officer, Patoushinskaia, came from Yaloutorovsk to see Rasputin. Shortly, afterwards Solovieva and Patoushinskaia emerged from the house, leading Rasputin between them, all three interlocked, Rasputin holding Patoushinskaia by the lower part of the body. They played the gramophone throughout the greater part of the day, Rasputin being exceedingly gay, and consuming large quantities of wine and beer.

12 July. Solovieva has been recalled to Petrograd by her husband. Rasputin was seen walking up and down his yard, holding Patoushinskaia, in his arms.

13 July. After having bathed, Rasputin went to the wife of the local psalm-reader, Yermolai. They had apparently made an appointment, as she was waiting for him at the window. He visits her practically each day with intentions of an intimate nature. On this occasion he stayed with her for half an hour. Patoushinskaia has gone back to Yaloutorovsk, having been recalled by her husband. She took passionate leave of Rasputin covering his face, hands and beard with kisses.

14 July. Rasputin has gone to Tobolsk to see Varnava the agents were left behind.

15 July. Dobrovolsky and Avchoukhova who is now his wife, have come to stay with Rasputin.

17 July. Rasputin has returned from Tobolsk. After lunch Dobrovolskaia played the piano, while the rest of the company sang in chorus. Rasputin clapped his hands and stamped his feet; later he walked about with his arms round Dobrovolskaia, without being in the least perturbed by his daughters' presence. The remainder of the day was spent in the fields, where they played ball, sang and ran races.

20 July. Rasputin, accompanied by Dobrovolsky and the latter's wife, paid a visit to Arapov. He left his host's house in a drunken condition and immediately repaired to the psalmreader's wife. On his return home at 5.40 in the afternoon he once more set out in spite of Dounia's endeavours to prevent him... He rudely pushed her aside, telling her "to go to the devil," and, drunk as he was, splashed through the mud without picking his way. While walking along with the agents he discoursed on the war: "Last year, when I was lying in hospital, rumours were beginning to spread of the coming war; I begged the Tsar not to fight. I sent him about twenty telegrams of warning, one a very earnest one, for which I was told I was to be brought up for trial. When, however, the Tsar was informed of this, he said Our domestic affairs are not subject to the law." He discussed also the newly-ordained priest, Father Sergey. The topic was brought up by a chance remark about the religious procession and the Te Deum with the Blessing of the Waters, which had been arranged for the 20th of July and for the purpose of which four buckets of water had been, put ready. On seeing the four buckets of water,the priest declared that he would not read four Te Deums, one for each bucket. A few daring spirits among the congregation suggested that one Te Deum would suffice for the four buckets. When the service was over, Father Sergey would not allow the parishioners to kiss the cross, saying that they could do so after mass. This arbitrary treatment roused the people's indignation, and the priest was finally compelled to concede their rights. It seems that Father Sergey is very imperfectly acquainted with the rites of the church; there is even a rumour that he comes from a Moscow family of merchants and is a nominee of Skvortzov, the editor ofthe magazine Kolokol [The Bell]. In conclusion Rasputin said: "I don't know what to do with Father Sergey." Rasputin receives many telegrams and letters and sendsa great number himself. He no longer gives them to the agents to post.

21 July. Rasputin, Dobrovolsky and wife, Deacon Yermolai and wife and his two daughters have gone by steamer to Tiumen and thence to Yaloutorovsk to see the Patoushinskys.

22 July. Patoushinskaia met them at the station in a carriage drawn by a pai rof her own horses. She placed Rasputin next to herself and made arrangements forthe others in hired cabs. Her husband met them at the flat. At eight o'clock in the evening Patoushinskaia, Dobrovolsky with his wife and Rasputin's daughters went for a walk in the streets. At approximately ten o'clock (this had apparently been arranged beforehand) Rasputin was seen to jump out of a window on to the veranda, where he was met by Patoushinskaia, who had come out of the back door. They both disappeared into the darkness.

23 July. Dobrovolsky and his wife have left for Petrograd. At noon Rasputin, accompanied by his daughters and Patoushinskaia, went into the wood, which encroached upon the outskirts of the town. The watch observed them near the house half an hour later. Rasputin's daughters went indoors, while he himself took Patoushinskaiain to an empty building at the back of the garden, where they stayed for twenty minutes. According to Patoushinskaia's maid, this house was in the old days inhabited by some of the exiled Dekabrists [Decembrists].

24 July. Rasputin and his daughters have departed to Tiumen, where he left them on the landing-stage and went to see Father Martian. After the lapse of two and a half hours he reappeared carrying a basket, which to all appearance contained bottles of wine. He went down to the wharf alone and took the next steamer backto Pokrovskoe.

27 July. Rasputin and his son drove to the Tiumen railway station, whence he departed for Petrograd. During the journey he and his son dined at one of the wayside stations, sharing a plate between them. Rasputin took the cabbage out of the soup with his fingers and, having placed it in the spoon, conveyed it to his mouth.

31 July. At half-past ten they arrived at Petrograd. He was met at the station by Privy Councillor Nicolai Vassilicvitch Soloviev, whose wife had visited Rasputinat Pokrovskoe. They took a cab and drove to Soloviev's residence on the Gorokhovaia, No. 69. 2 August. Rasputin has dispatched two telegrams.

"Yaloutorovsk. Patoushinsky. We shall soon meet again. Kisses," and to "Pokrovskoe, Government of Tobolsk. Novykh. I shall soon be back. Kisses."

5 August. Rasputin is on his way back to Pokrovskoe. He was seen off by Tatiana Shakhovskaia [Princess Shakhovsky], Baroness Koussova, Miller and Dobrovolsky and his wife, while Vyroubova and von Pistolkors brought him to the station in their car, but did not come on to the platform. During the journey he made the acquaintance of three unknown ladies, who left the train at Kamyshlov. They were met by some staff officers, to whom the ladies pointed out Rasputin. In their conversation they mentioned Gouseva's attempt on Rasputin and said something about a hospital. Having heard the ladies out, a Lieutenant-Colonel who was present turned to another field officer with the words "You see if they had gone with him a little further, the mother would have lost the daughter or vice versa. There is no denying the fact that this individual has hypnotic powers." Before reaching the station at Boui, Rasputin came over to the carriage occupied by the agents who were travelling with him, and began to talk about the war. In his opinion it was progressing very unfavourably and a drastic change was imminent at Petrograd. "Soloviev has been subjected to a very disagreeable reprimand from Samarin for meeting me at Petrograd on the 31st of July. But Samarin will not be Chief Procurator of the Synod for much longer." While speaking, Rasputin was staring hard at thea gents, and then suddenly asked: "Was it you who reported against Soloviev?" The agents replied: "That is not part of our business." "Then who could have done it? The Emperor questioned me in connection with this denunciation and suggested that detectives might have reported against Soloviev. I said to him 'I do not know; perhaps it was done by detectives.' I am going home now, I do not know myself for how long; perhaps for a week, perhaps for longer; it all depends." He finished by saying that he had been to the palace twice and that the Emperor had offered him a private carriage but that he "had refused" "Once, when I was returning from Tsarskoe-Selo to Petrograd about midnight, I saw a detective hiding from me behind a lift. 'I felt quite sorry for him; if I had succeeded in discovering his name,it would have gone badly with him."

9 August. At Tiumen, Rasputin paid Martian a call and later went to the landing-stage, where he booked a private cabin and embarked for Pokrovskoe at eleven o'clock. Two hours afterwards he emerged from his cabin, drunk, and joined some soldiers who were on board on their way from Tiumen to Tobolsk. (They were privates ofthe local company of the Convoy, numbering about ten men.) He entered into conversation with them, gave them a present of twenty-five roubles and ordered them to singto him. After having listened for a little while, he retired to his cabin, whence he emerged once more, bringing the soldiers another 100 roubles. The singing became louder. This time Rasputin joined in the chorus. At the end of an hour Rasputin took the whole lot of the soldiers into the 2nd class saloon, intending to treat them to a dinner, but the captain of the ship would not allow the lower ranks to stay in the 2nd-class apartments and ordered them out.

A little while later Rasputin joined the soldiers again, arranged them in a circle and, placing himself in the middle, conducted their singing with a great display of hilarity. Having given them another twenty-five roubles, he told the steward to provide them with a dinner at the cost of fifteen roubles. Then he disappeared into his cabin. A few minutes later he was heard to complain of the loss of 3,000 roubles. He was getting steadily more and more drunk, and shortly after dinner instigated a quarrel with a third-class passenger, Razoumovsky, who was travelling from Tiumen. The latter could hardly be restrained from giving Rasputin a thrashing, but fortunately matters were settled without violence. This incident was followed by an altercation with another Tiumen merchant, called Mikhailev. This time the quarrel began in the course of a conversation about the provocative actions of Bishop Varnava. Mikhailev ended the dispute by spitting on the floorand leaving Rasputin. Trouble, however, was not yet over. On meeting the steward, Rasputin accused him of stealing his 3,000 roubles and called him a thief. The steward requested some of the passengers to stand witness for him, and sent acomplaint to the captain, who threatened to have the matter settled at Tobolsk by calling in the police. This episode over, Rasputin went back to his cabin,where he sat down with his head resting on the table. He lay there for a longtime, mumbling to himself, while the passengers on deck gazed at him with admiration. Some of them were heard to say: "Rasputin! long may you live, you holy man!" Others said: "He ought to be shaved or have his beard clipped." The porthole of the cabin was closed at the agents' request. An hour or two before the steamer's arrival at Pokrovskoe, Rasputin fell off the table on to the floor, where he stayed till the ship landed at eight o'clock in the evening. The agents had to ask the captain for two men to help them to remove Rasputin from the cabin, and with some difficulty they eventually succeeded in dragging him to the shore, where his two daughters, Katia and Dounia, were expecting him. He was hoisted on to a cart and taken home to Pokrovskoe in an unconscious condition.

10 August. At ten o'clock the following morning Rasputin came out of his house and began questioning the agents about yesterday's happenings, sighing and wondering at having got so drunk, since, according to his own words, he had had only three bottles of vodka. He repeated over and over again: "Ah, my dear fellows, that was an ugly business." Among other things he mentioned that Djounkovsky had been made to resign, expressing the fear that he was, perhaps, attributing his forced retirement to him, Rasputin; he disclaimed all knowledge of him, however, and professed to have had nothing to do with his dismissal. He further said: "Yourgovernor will soon be removed also," and to the question, whether he was referring to Count Adelberg, replied: "No, I don't know his name," and changed the conversation.

11 August. Varnava came to Pokrovskoe from Tobolsk, but left the same day for Tiumen.

15 August. Martian paid Rasputin a visit to-day.

18 August. Avgustin [the Archimandrite] came from Tobolsk, but departed the same day for Tiumen. Patoushinskaia has also visited Rasputin.

19 August. Rasputin went to see Deacon Yermolai, who immediately on his arrival left for the church. Rasputin stayed with the Deacon's wife for at least an hour. The priest, Father Nicolai, who had gone to Tobolsk to see Varnava, brought back the news, communicated to him by Varnava, that the governor intended to have Rasputin arrested and imprisoned for three months for objectionable behaviour and drunkenness, but that owing to Varnava's intercession, he had relented. Rasputin, on hearing this, spat vigorously on the ground, saying:

"What is the governor to me?"

6 September. During a walk with the agents Rasputin said to them "Yes, my dear fellows, my soul is aching with sorrow; I am quite numb with grief. Sometimes I feel better for an hour or two, but it does not last - all the sorrow comes back again." The agents asked: "Why do you feel like that" "Because, you simpletons, the country is in a bad way and because the cursed papers write about me, causing me much annoyance. I shall have to go to law."

9 September. When Rasputin went to see his brother Nicolai, who had at the time several other visitors in the house, their father made his appearance. The old man abused his son Grigory with the vilest expressions. Rasputin, in a savage fury, jumped up from the table where he was sitting, pushed his father into the yard, knocked him down and belaboured him with his fists, while the old man yelled: "How dare you, miscreant!" They were separated with difficulty. Examination proved that the father had received a large purple bruise, which completely closed his eye. Having recovered, the indomitable old man again attacked his son, abusing him worse than before; he threatened to tell everybody, that Grigory was an ignorant old fool, who only knew "how to fondle Dounia's [the maid's] soft parts." This time Rasputin had to be held down with force to prevent him from assaulting his father again. They were both exceedingly drunk.

Rasputin dispatched two telegrams, one to Tsarskoe Selo and one to the Stavka [General Headquarters].

Rasputin took to Tiumen his son, Dmitry, who, as a soldier of the 2nd Category, has been called up for active service. The wife of Staff Captain Patoushinsky came from Yaloutorovsk for the purpose of assisting Rasputin, and succeeded in entering Dmitry into the 7th Company of the Territorials. They all - including Rasputin's wife - put up at the monastry with Father Martian. The watch inferred from Rasputin's behaviour that he was anxious not to be seen in Tiumen; he said to the agent Terekhov: "I have no time to go about, although I have many friends here." But he stayed behind the monastery walls all day long, doing nothing. He walks with a slight limp, the result of having damaged his hip in his fight with old Rasputin.

12 September. Rasputin told the agents that he was anxious to go back to Petrograd, but that Vyroubova did not desire his presence.

19 September. Rasputin has received a typed letter, dated the 16th September,the contents of which were as follows:

"Grigory, our fatherland is in danger; there is talk of concluding a dishonourable peace. The fact that you receive from the Stavka [G.H.Q.] telegrams in cypher proves that you have great influence. Hence we, the chosen ones, ask you to arrange matters so that Ministers should be made responsible before the people and that the State Duma should be convened on the 23rd September of this year, in order that our country may be saved from ruin. If you do not comply with our order, we shall kill you; no mercy will be shown to you; our hand will not shrink as did the hand of Gouseva. Wherever you are, death will follow you. The die has been cast; the lot has fallen on us ten chosen men."

24 September. Rasputin left Pokrovskoe for Petrograd, where he arrived on the 28th of September.

11 October. Rasputin sent a telegram to Varnava

"Remove the spy. Pay the mental hospital at the rate of fifteen roubles, I shall repay Ivan Khlopov. The priests beg your forgiveness. What is necessary has been done."

14 October. Rasputin returned home at one o'clock at night completely drunk. He abused the porter's wife on the stairs for having accepted a bribe of twenty-eight roubles from some minister, He finished by saying: "He wanted to bury me, but,on the contrary, he will be buried before me."

22 October. At eight o'clock in the evening Rasputin was visited by an unknown lady, who, a few moments later, came out in a very agitated condition. The maid caught her up on the stairs, saying: "He wants you to speak to him; he feels lonely. "The lady, who looked greatly disconcerted, refused at first, saying that she would return to-morrow, but finally agreed to go back. She stayed till late.

24 October. Rasputin dispatched a telegram: "Ekaterinburg, Bishop Seraphim. I apologise for the trouble; had no success. Everybody is concerned with his own business. Grigory."

28 October. Rasputin has given Belianin a letter of recommendation to the Assistant Minister of Justice, Verevkin, who, however, refused to receive it, declaring that its subject-matter referred to a question which only the higher authorities could settle. Thereupon Rasputin promised Belianin his co-operation through Vyroubova. Belianin was appealing against the verdict of the court in connection with a fire which had destroyed the premises of his shop in Vladivostock.

31 October. A hired piano has been taken up to Rasputin's flat.

3 November. An unknown woman visited Rasputin with a view to soliciting his aid on behalf of her husband, an ensign, who was lying in one of the Petrograd hospitals. She wished him to be kept there. Coming down the stairs she told theporter's wife how strange she thought Rasputin and described her reception. "I was admitted by a girl, who took me into a room, where I waited for Rasputin. I had not met him before. The first thing he said to me was: 'Come with me; undress.'I took my clothes off and followed him through a door, leading into a room to the left. He paid scant attention to my petition, but plucked my face, then my breasts, mumbling all the time: 'Kiss me, I have taken a fancy to you.' When he had written the note I was asking him for, he began bothering me again: 'Kiss me, kiss me; I love you.' In the end he would not give me the note, saying: 'I am angry with you, come tomorrow.' " The agent Terekhov asked the lady whether she intended coming back, but she answered: "No; going to him for assistance means paying money in advance - anything he cares to name. Since I cannot do that, I shall not return."

5-6 November. Rasputin went by car to Tsarskoe-Selo and he returned, also by car, on the 6th at 10.15 in the morning with Vyroubova. While leaving the car, he made the sign of the cross over Vyroubova, who then drove away.

Later, Rasputin drove to an unknown destination, accompanied by Boberman [a merchant]. They came back at five o'clock, Rasputin being slightly inebriated. He took long and tender leave of Boberman at the door. On his way up to the flat he asked: "Has anybody been to see me?" He was told that two ladies had called. "Were they pretty? - Good; that is what I want." At approximately seven o'clock he left the house, hardly awake. He gave the porter's wife ten roubles on his way out, mumbling to himself something incoherent and banging with his stick.

10 November. Rasputin has dispatched agent Svistounov with a letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

14 November. Rasputin came home very drunk in the company of Tatiana Shakhovskaia. They left again directly. He came back at two o'clock at night completely overcom ewith drink.

I5 November. Rasputin's secretary, Simanovitch, has brought a basket containing six bottles of madeira, some caviar and cheese.

21 November. Rasputin brought home two bottles of wine.

22 November. Rasputin returned past eight o'clock in the morning after an absence of twenty-four hours.

23 November. Rasputin has been away since yesterday evening; he returned this morning at dawn, absolutely drunk.

24 November. An unknown lady came to the house; she questioned the porter's wife, as to when Rasputin was in the habit of going to Tsarskoe-Selo, how frequently he went to church and which was his favourite place of worship. She declined the woman's offer to go up to the flat, saying that she could see Rasputin in the church at Tsarskoe and said that her daughters went to school with those of Rasputin. On perceiving the agents on the stairs, she asked who they were and earnestly begged the porter's wife not to tell them of her inquiries.

25 November. Rasputin came home at five o'clock in the morning. The actress Varvarova spent the night 25-26 in his rooms.

29 November. Rasputin was absent from home the whole night.

1 December. Rasputin has dispatched a telegram:

Moscow, Malaia Dmitrovka 3, to Miklashevskaia, "Why is Korzinkina tarrying with the business?" Rasputin drove with Dolgoroukaia [Princess S. S. Dolgoroukaia] to the Hotel Astoria, where he stayed the whole night.

3 December. Rasputin left his flat in the company of Filippov and returned home drunk. Shortly after Leikart, nee Mordvina, paid him a call for the first time to ask his intercession on behalf of her husband. When, however, Rasputin asked her to kiss him, she left. She was followed by Senator Mamontov's mistress, Voskoboinikova, to whom Rasputin suggested that she should visit him at one o'clock at night.

5 December. Rasputin came home drunk at three o'clock in the morning.

7 December. He has again been absent the whole night.

8 December. Rubanovitch came to call for Rasputin in his car, and they both drove to the Restaurant Donon (Moika 24). Thence they sent the chauffeur to the Hotel Rossia to fetch Djanoulova and Filippova. After dinner was over, Rasputin accompanied these ladies to the Hotel Rossia, where they were staying.

12 December. Rasputin arrived home at 9.50 in the morning in the society of Varvarova. According to the cab driver they had come from the Alexeievskaia street. He had most probably spent the night with Varvarova.

14 December. At approximately two o'clock at night Rasputin was seen coming out of No. 11 Furstadtskaia Street, the residence of Svechina [wife of a Colonel in the General Staff], accompanied by Maria Markovna Yacininskaia, a woman of twenty-one years of age and the wife of a burgess who lives at No. 104 on the Moika. They went by car in the direction of Novaia Derevnia to the Villa Rode Restaurant, where, however, they were not admitted owing to the lateness of the hour. Determined to get in, Rasputin started banging on the door and pulling at the bell, having previously tipped the policeman on duty in order that he might not interfere with his roistering. Eventually they drove to No. 49 Novaia Derevnia to Massalsky's Gypsy Chorus, where they stayed till ten o'clock the next morning. They emerged, both fairly drunk, and went to Yasininskaia's flat, whence Rasputin departed at twelve o'clock. Towards the evening he left for Tsarskoe-Selo.

15 December. Rasputin went by car to the Villa Rode Restaurant, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Yezersky, Varvarova, and two unknown women. The watch left them there at two o'clock at night.

17 December. Princess Dolgoroukaia sent a car for Rasputin to take him to the Hotel Astoria, where they occupied a private room. They were shortly after joined by the former governor of Petrograd, General Kleigels, who stayed with them for about two hours.

19 December. Rasputin left the house at approximately one o'clock at night in the company of an unknown official and a lady. He returned the next morning at six o'clock, alone.

20 December. Rasputin and Pitirim's secretary, the former keeper of the records in the office of the Exarch of Georgia, Ivan Zinovievitch Ossipenko, drove to No. 26a Pesochnaia Street to see the burgess Andrey Ippolitovich Knirsha, a young man of twenty-eight years of age, who is separated from his wife. The Villa Rode Restaurant was commissioned to supply two baskets of wine and a gypsy chorus. The watch observed through the windows that Rasputin was dancing. Two unknown men brought him home at seven o'clock in the morning, dead drunk.

24 December. I. Z. Ossipenko visited Rasputin at seven o'clock in the evening; an hour or so later a hired motor drove up to the house, bringing Princess Tatiana Feodorovna Shakhovskaia, the wife of Lieutenant von Pistolkors, and an unknown officer. Only Princess Shakhovskaia went up to the flat and emerged some ten minutes later with Rasputin and Ossipenko. They all settled into the car and drove off, apparently to the Alexandro-Nevsky Monastery. At 8-15 in the evening another car drove up, bringing the Countess Olga Erikovna Kreuz, and the daughter of Acting Secretary of State, Golovin. The latter went up to the flat, but reappeared directly with the peasant woman Akulina Nikitishna Laptinskaia. They in their turn made for the Alexander Nevsky Monastery and entered the Cathedral, where Rasputin was already installed. The watch could detect neither the ladies nor the officer who had come with him. After the service was over, Rasputin and Ossipenko repaired to the apartments of the Metropolitan, Pitirim, but their departure was not observed. Two ladies (the watch could not ascertain who they were, as they saw them only sideways) went to the detached building to the right of the Cathedral, where they were lost to view.

Rasputin returned home on the 25th of Decembcr at nine o'clock in the morning.


1 January. Rasputin had visitors, who stayed till four o'clock in the morning; there was much singing.

2 January. Rasputin came home drunk at one o'clock at night. At two he had a call from an officer, who was accompanied by a lady. Bazilevskaia joined them later; they all stayed till four o'clock.

4 January. Rasputin and Ossipenko returned to the flat at about midnight. Ossipenko, left directly. At one o'clock arrived Elena Porphirievna Tourovitch, a gentlewoman by birth, owner of a private school for girls. She stayed for an hour.

5 January. Rasputin, Ossipenko, Dounia and Miller went by cab to Miller's flat on the Ligovka, 45. They took with them a basketful of wine. Rasputin was seen to come home at 2-30 at night in an inebriated condition.

6 January. Rasputin spent a hilarious day at home later he went with Ossipenko and [Princess] Evgenia Shakhovskaia all three in one cab to Prince Andronikov, whence he returned at three o'clock at night in the company of Ossipenko. The latter left at once.

8 January. Rasputin called at No. 6 Gagarinskaia Street (Nordman). He came home at three o'clock at night followed by two ladies. Having stayed with him for two hours, the ladies left.

9 January. Ginsburg has sent Rasputin ten bottles of champagne; many unknown persons have taken the opportunity of Rasputin's namesday to present him with gifts. A sofa, two dozens of chairs, baskets full of delicacies and wine were among the things sent to him.

10 January. Klionovsky [a Secretary of State] and Tourovich have brought more wine to-day. Gil [a captain's wife] spent the night of 10-11 in Rasputin's flat. To-day, being Rasputin's namesday, he was visited by many people, all of whom brought presents for him. Those of the visitors who stayed spent the evening dancing, singing and playing the gramophone, the guitar and the balalaika; part of the time was given up to prayers and to the singing of hymns. The guests left at two o'clock.

11 January. Rasputin used the telephone in the Soloviev's flat to speak to Tsarskoe-Selo. His own is out of order.

13 January. Rasputin, Ivanitzkaia, an unknown officer and two ladies visited house No. 63 on the Ligovskaia, the residence of Alexandra Romanovna, widow of Secretary of State Mitinsky. They stayed from two till five in the afternoon, after which time Rasputin returned to his flat, bringing Ivanitzkaia and the unknown officer with him. Later they left, both a little the worse for drink, Ivanitzkaia being dressed in Rasputin's overcoat. Rasputin has dispatched a telegram to Tsarskoe-Selo, addressed to Vyroubova, in the following terms: "God Himself keeps him in heavenly joy. Let the truth shine upon my children unto eternity; the time has not yet come to see clearly." In the evening he was fetched in Boberman's car to the Hotel Europe, where a party was in full swing. The guests present were: Boberman, Kovarsky, the director of the International Bank, Count Tatishchev, Ensign Khvostov and two ladies. The watch did not observe Rasputin's departure.

14 January. Rasputin came home at seven o'clock in the morning, completely overcome with drink; Ossipenko, and an unknown man were with him. On his way upto his flat he broke a large pane of glass in the entrance door. The agents noticed a swelling on his nose, which is supposed to have been occasioned by a fall. In the afternoon he took Rubinstein and two ladies to Tsarskoe-Selo. On the homeward journey he entered into conversation with the agents: "One of you has told someone that I held a lady on my knees. That is unseemly talk. You are attached to me for purposes of protection, yet you report against me." Neustein, who lives on the same floor, remarked to the agents: "Your patron will soon be appointed to Tsarskoe-Selo to look after the holy lamps there."

16 January. Rasputin has given a letter to the prostitute Tregoubova. According to private information, supplied by one of the servants of the Pistolkors, Rasputin was seen performing strange rites and mumbling incomprehensible words over the two Pistolkors, whom he had made to kneel down before him.

17 January. An unknown lady paid Rasputin a call at midnight and stayed till three o'clock.

18 January. Rasputin returned home at half-past seven in the morning with two men and a lady; he was completely drunk and sang loudly in the streets. The unknown persons went away, after leaving Rasputin at his door... He spent the morning shouting and stamping about in his flat. Karavia and her daughter Maimeskul, who came to see Rasputin but who were not received by him, abused him on their way out calling him a "scurvy peasant," and telling the agents that on one occasion, when they were at the Villa Rode Restaurant they saw Rasputin running through the saloon, dressed only in his shirt, for which misdemeanour the restaurant was closed. They also said that a new monk had appeared at Tsarskoe-Selo, who would soon supplant Rasputin.

21 January. Rasputin and Haar went to 26 Pasochnaia Street to Knirsha. Late rhe was seen to leave the house alone and go to 36 Basseinaia Street, the residence of the Actress Orlova, Manouilov's mistress. Privately collected information stated that Manacevitch-Manouilov and the President of the Council of Ministers, B. Swriner,were also there.

22 January. Rasputin came home in the morning in the company of Ossipenko, an unknown man and two women. He was drunk.

23 January. A priest, whose name has not been ascertained, has presented Rasputin with some fish. The watch left Rasputin in the course of the evening at No. 6 Gagarinskaia Street, the residence of Secretary of State Feodor Borisovitch Nordmar [Senior Secretary in the Deartment of Awards].

24 January. Rasputin did not come home till five o'clock in the morning. At five in the afternoon he drove with Dobrovolskaia and Golovina to Our Saviour'schurch in Great Spasskaia Street, where the Metropolitan, Pitirim, was holding an all-night requiem service in memory of the deceased Archpresbyter and Abbot of this church, who had instituted public meetings on moral and spiritual questions.

26 January. Rasputin returned to his flat at four o'clock in the morning in the company of Ossipenko and an unknown man. At 11-49 at night Ossipenko arrived at the railway terminus in one of the cars belonging to the automobile squadron. Dobrovolsky joined him a little later. Having met the train by which Rasputin came from Tsarskoe-Selo, they drove to Dobrovolsky's flat. At five o'clock in the morning Rasputin returned home in a cab, accompanied by Dobrovolsky.

29 January. A petitioner by the name of Tatarinova told the agents that while Rasputin was interviewing her, he hugged and kissed some young lady who had also come to see him. This behaviour had so outraged her sense of decency that she refused to have anything more to do with him. Rasputin and Filippov went to the Restaurant Donon. Later in the evening they drove to the Alexandro-Nevsky Monastery, after having been joined by Ossipenko.

30 January. Rasputin returned home at 3-30 the following morning, slightly inebriated, in the company of a man, whose identity has not been established. The priest of the Moscow Liubianskaia church arrived in order to submit a petition on behalf of an unknown man, who had also come to see Rasputin. This man had every intention of paying Rasputin in advance (the bribe was apparently to be a large one), had the priest not dissuaded him from doing so, by assuring him that any advance payment might be inexpedient. The priest begged Rasputin to interview the Minister of Internal Affairs, Senator Belietzky, in order to insure his assistance, but Rasputin refused to comply with this request, considering a letter of recommendation to be sufficient. On his way out the priest was heard to laugh at Rasputin's illiterate writing.

In the evening Rasputin and Haar went to see Knirsha, No. 26, Pesochnaia Street, where a few ladies and gentlemen had assembled. The agents left him there at two o'clock. He was brought home at 4.30 by an unknown man.

1 February. The Moscow priest told agent Terekhov. in the course of a conversation, that the business on which he had come was hanging fire, as it had been give nover to Vyroubova, whose usual method of procedure was to act through the Court Commandant [General Voeikov], who was, unfortunately, away on active service. Rasputin complained to the agents that someone had been abusing him over the telephone, and that the exchange would not put him in touch with the offenders.

2 February. After being out all night, Rasputin came home at 9-30 in the morning. Dobrovolskaia was at his flat, playing the piano and singing. At one o'clock at night he left again in the direction of the Officerskaia Street, returning after an absence of two hours.

3 February. Rasputin came back from Tsarskoe-Selo, at eleven o'clock in the evening. At twelve he departed for an unknown destination; two hours later he was seen to return by car with two men, who, however did not go up to his flat.

5 February. Rasputin has been absent since yesterday evening. The cab-driver informed the agents that he had brought Rasputin home from the corner of the Officerskaia and Alexeievskaia Streets. Karavia, who had paid Rasputin a visit, said to the agents on leaving: "Although Rasputin is so depressed at times, he never the less does big business. For instance, Rubinstein has lately arranged an important deal to the amount of 300,000 roubles, and Rasputin has received from him a commission of 50,000 roubles." She added that Rasputin had promised her to approach the Minister Shakhovskoy in connection with her petition, since he was fonder of him than Vyroubova. At one o'clock at night Rasputin was observed leaving Ezersky's house in the company of Ossipenko and a few unknown men. He was followed to No. 15 Rogdestvenskaia Street, the residence of the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Moisey Shmouilovitch-Dvinov, who was celebrating his birthday. After staying there for twenty-five minutes, he left for an unknown destination, returning home at 3.30 in the morning.

7 February. Boberman came with a view to inquiring about Rasputin's health. On his way out he told the watch that Rasputin was well. Neustein, who lives inthe same house, had a conversation with the agents, in the course of which hesaid to them: "Is it true that some officer has given your charge a thrashing?" Vyroubova, who had arrived in a court automobile, dispatched Simanovitch on some errand. Knirsha stayed with Rasputin till past midnight. On coming out of the flat, he met two men, whose identity has not been established, and with them returned to Rasputin.

8 February. Rasputin, who was accompanied by two unknown officials, went by taxi to the Nicolaievsky Cavalry College and to the Polish Roman Catholic church on the Torgovaia Street. Knirsha seems to have presented him with several bottles of wine. At 8.15 in the evening Rasputin was visited by five women, who, according to the cab-driver, had come from the Officerskaia Street. The watch heard sinking, dancing and music. The guests left at three o'clock. No petitioners were received during the day.


(Signed). Chief of the Petrograd Okhrana, Major-General Globachev.
Director of External Surveillance, Kornilov.

Detailed unrevised reports of the external watch over Rasputin from the 8-10 February, 1916. 8 February, 1916. Reports.

"Tiomny" [a nickname for Rasputin, invented by the police agents], Gorokhovaia Street, No. 64

Knirsha left Tiomny at one o'clock at night. At that time two unknown men arrived and went up to the flat. Knirsha returned with them. They all departed at two o'clock. Solovieva called at ten o'clock in the morning; she was followed by Maria Golovina. They both left directly. At 11.50 Tatiana Shakhovskaia arrived, and stayed for fifty minutes. Simanovitch paid a call at ten o'clock, which lasted for ten minutes. Sandetzkaia, who came very shortly afterwards, also stayed for ten minutes. The chorister of the Athos Church Hall, Derevensky, who came shortly after noon, said that the scribe of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery had told him that last September when he was reading the newspaper Kopeika he saw an article on Varnava and Grisha (Rasputin). He further reported that the gatekeeper, who was listening to him, had asked: "When will there be a revolution?" To Derevensky's question what good a revolution would do, he is supposed to have answered: "It would dethrone the Romanovs and put an end to those two pernicious fellows Varnava and Grisha." The name of the door-keeper is not known. The scribe has since been ordained.

Laptiskaia left at 12.20. An official, wearing a military uniform, arrived ten minutes later; he presently emerged accompanied by Tiomny. Two volunteers were waiting for them in the courtyard to whom Tiomny said that he would see them later. Then he left with the official for an unknown destination.

According to the words of the chauffeur, they went to the Nicolaievsky Cavalry College and the Polish church on the Torgovaia. At 5.50 in the afternoon Tiomny returned with the official, who left him ten minutes later. Senator Mamontov came at 1-35 p.m.; he stayed for half an hour. Bazilevskaia and Haar paid Rasputina visit at 1.20 Simanovitch and a man of military rank came by car, registered No. 5064; this was their second visit. A lady, wife of an officer in the Izmailovsky regiment, came at 2.15; she lives in a government house on the lzmailovsky Prospect. At 3-40 Simanovitch appeared for the third time, and left after a stay of thirty minutes. Knirsha brought several bottles of wine. Tourovitch paid a long call. At five o'clock Tiomny received a visit from Chervinskaia and Solovieva; the former left in half-an-hour's time. Simanovitch came for the fourth time at 6.20 and stayed for an hour. He was followed by Reshetnikov, who remained with Tiomny for thirty-five minutes. Later an unknown lady called. Tourovitch paid Tiomny a second visit. Dobrovolskaia and Berman [widow of a merchant] came at nine and ten o'clock respectively. At ten Tourovitch brought her husband, and at eleven o'clock Knirsh aappeared for the second time.

Note. Five women, whose identity has not been established, arrived at 8.15. The cab-driver reported them to have come from the Officerskaia Street. At ten the guests were heard to sing, dance and play the piano. No petitioners were admitted to Tiomny although about twenty five had called.


9 February, 1916. Reports.

Tiomny, Gorokhovaia Street, 64

The guests, who had visited Tiomny last night, left at two o'clock. The entertainment was noisy. Vyroubova paid a call at 9-45 this morning. She was followed by Dobrovolskaia, who stayed for three hours. At 10.50 arrived Liubov and Maria Golovina; Haar also paid a long visit. Mamontov and Ossipenko came by government car No. 5064; they were accompanied by an unknown official, who stayed for half-an-hour. At midday Dobrovolsky made his appearance and stayed for an hour and a half. Varnava and Avgustin drove up in car No. 127. At 2.40 Tiomny came out of his flat on his way to the baths, where he remained for fifty minutes. While walking along, he said: "It is a pity that there has been so much talk; now there will be an inquiry." He further remarked: "They are thinking of assassinating me. If they find out that the letter was written by Iliodor [an intriguing monk] they certainly will. "Von Bock paid him a call at 4.45 in the afternoon; Maria Golovina reappeared atfive o'clock; she was followed by Moskvina, who stayed for an hour and ten minutes. Tourovitch came at 5-45 and left with Golovina at 6,45. Klionovsky paid a short visit. Simanovitch paid a call later in the evening, accompanied by an engineer, a Jew. "Tiomny" received no petitioners.


10 February, 1916. Reports.

Tiomny, Gorokhovaia Street, 64

Yesterday at midnight Tiomny received a visit from a man, who, judging by his appearance, was Manouilov; he did not stay long. Solovieva also paid him a short visit during the night. The wife of General Sokolov came at 10-30 in the morning. Her stay was brief. Pozdniakova brought an unknown lady, but was not received. Filippov came at eleven o'clock, accompanied by a lady, who remained in the vestibule. In ten minutes' time he reappeared with a card for the lady, who then went up to Tiomny. She came down with a letter of introduction to the Minister Belietzky. Maria Golovina and Nikitina [a lady-in-waiting] came in succession - neither stayed long. At 12.40 Haar came, who was accompanied by a lady, called Sophia Mikhailovna; they remained upstairs for an hour and a half. The wife of General Soloviev [Sokolov ?] paid another call together with an unknown lady. At two o'clock a taxi was ordered -its number was observed to be 224 - which Tiomny and Golovina left for an unknown destination; they returned at 3.45 in the same car. Laptinskaia left at three o'clock after an hour's stay. Dobrovolskaia went up to the flatat 3.20. Kisselev, who came at 4.40, was not received. Dobrovolsky appeared sometime later and remained for an hour. Towards the evening Maria Golovina, Laptinskaia and Dounia went out. Berman paid a call, which lasted half an hour. At eight o'clock Tiomny and Dobrovolsky left by cab; according to the coachman they had been out for a drive, without stopping anywhere. Maria Golovina, Laptinskaia and Dounia returned at 8.50 in the evening. Maria Golovina and Dobrovolskaia left at approximately ten o'clock. Fifteen visitors in all had called during the day. Neustein said to-day "All my friends are inquiring whether Tiomny is well there is a rumour that he has had a thrashing from a man called Orlov Denissov on account of some woman."




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