The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Murder of the Imperial Family - List of Valuables Taken by Yurovsky from the Romanovs

Taken at the Ipatiev House in the Last Days

The following is a list of valuables formerly belonging to the murdered Imperial family that were catalogued by Yurovsky after the murders and were handed over to Moscow.

This list will be of interest to those who are interested in the life of the Imperial family in capivity and their ultimate fate. They represent a small fraction of the possessions of the family in exile. The fate of these items has only recently been discovered hidden in the Russian archives since the fall of Communism in Russia and published in 1996. Our thanks to Rob Moshein for transcribing the list as printed in "The Last Act of a Tragedy" by V.V. Aleskeyev, Yekaterinburg, 1996. ISBN 5-7691-0394-9; 5-7691-0597-6.

This information is for educational purposes only and is protected by copyright belonging to V.V. Alekseyev and the Interregional Fund "Russian Heritage" 1996. It may not be reproduced or used commercially without prior written approval of the copyright holders.


List of articles handed over by Y. Yurovsky, commandant of the House of Special Purpose to Kremlin Commandant P. Malkov. (undated)


1. Gold man's watch, Pavel Buhre No 88964 14 carat gold.
2. Lady's gold ellipsoid-shaped watch, no hallmark.
3. Lady's gold chain with 5 rubies.
4. Man's gold chain of gold coins, with it: a big catch-ring, 1 trinket with a smooth sapphire, 1 gold egg with a crown, 1 white trinket, 1 gold flat trinket with the inscription "sepores mais", 1 trinket - a heart with a ruby, 1 small locket with the date 1905 and initials (cyrillic) O.H. (a chain of russian coins of Catherine's time in the value of 10 rubles, without a hallmark)
5. 1 man's gold chain of turtle shell with a big catch-ring, 1 flat gold trinket with the date May 6, 1884, letters (cyrillic) S.P.B., 1 gold trinket with printed mat, a small cross with the date April 8, 1904 with initials (cyrillic) A.F., 1 gold French trinket, a trinket-pencils (the chain is gold, some trinkets have no hallmark.)
6. 1 short gold chain with the gold medal of Georgy the Triumphant (the medal is without hallmark).
7. 1 lapel gold chain with trinkets: a flat one with the date 1890-91, a gold key, 2 small gold ones, 1 with a ruby and X.B, 1 gold "sankis zhaboy" (sic in original), 1 with letter A, 1 with white enamel and the date 1903, 1 horseshoe, inside there is an inscription with uncut diamonds, 1 chrysopras trinket, 1 with eagles.
8. 1 gold chatelaine with uncut diamonds, enamel and golden-smokey topaz, 18-carat gold with the date 1912 and initials (cyrillic) E.L.K.A., 1 gold wind-up key.
9.1 gold chatelaine with uncut diamonds, with goldish-emerald enamel, the date December 6, 1909, Livadia, 1 trinket with Andrew ribbon.
10. 1 tobacco case with lace, monogram, French letter N, the date 1898, uncut diamonds on edge of lid and inscription inside - Sebastapol, Livadia, 1898. 11. 1 gold tobacco case with lace, monogram, initials and crown on the lid and diamond of lemon colour on the lock.
12. 1 platinum cigar-case with lilac enamel in a gold open-work setting with diamond of clear water in the lock and inscription Petersburg May 29, 1897.
13. 1 gold tobacco case in yellow enamel frame with small uncut diamonds on lock, inscription [illegible]
14. Gold frame with portrait of Al[exandra] Fyod[orovna] with red enamel.
15. 1 gold brooch with rubies and chrysolite, on of the latter was lost.
16. Gold frame, star shaped, with white and yellow enamel with portrait of Al[exandra] Fyod[orovna].
17. Purse for silver coins of 15 and 10 kopecks in value, gold, in black setting, no hallmarks.
18. 1 trinket in gold setting with inscription: Monplaisir 1830 (no hallmark). 19. Gold trinket with red enamel (no hallmark).
20. [A trinket] - egg. Ural stone of lilac color.
21. [A trinket] - cross with red enamel.
22. A trinket with a crown.
23. [A trinket] Faith, Hope, Love.
24. 2 small gold settings for earrings with halo.
25. Small egg of red enamel.
26. Gold ring with inscription: Varvara.
27. 2 gold dates [illegible] 1896 and 1914.
28. A gold pen with inkstand with inscription: Victorik.
29. The same.
30. Gold pencil with ivory handle.
31. Gold pen.
32. 1 ivory cigar case with the mark of Al[exandra] Fyod[orovna].
33. 1 Black flat man's watch.
34. Man's blue steel watch with jumping digits.
35. Black open, table clock No. 235.
36. Coral string.
37. 2 bead strings of emerald color and a blue one.
38. Gold chicken with egg.
39. Gold box with small egg.
40. Small box with small twig on cover.
41. Small cat with egg.
42. Gold pencil

List of silver [undated]

1. 1 silver teapotNo. 35
2. 1 silver teapotNo. 28
3. 1 silver teapotNo. 36
4. 1 silver teapotNo. 26
5. 1 silver teapotNo. 6
6. 1 silver teapotNo. 34
7. 1 silver teapotNo. 32
8. 1 silver teapotNo. 19
9. 1 silver teapotNo. 27
10. 1 coffee pot " "No. 36
11. 1 big pitcherNo. -
12. 1 cream jug No. 19
13. 1 cream jug No. 21
14. 1 silver sugar basinNo. 35
15. 1 silver sugar basinNo. 5
16. 1 silver sugar basinNo. 19
17. 2 silver candlesticks with the letter A
18. Ladle with fractured handle.
19. 1 funnel.
20. 1 coffeepotNo. 26
21. 1 inkstand with silver lid.
22. 1 small basket for visiting cards.
23. 1 triangular ashtray with inscription: Sebastapol, Cruiser Moscow, May 6, 1886.
24. The same with autographs of the entire family.
25. 1 knob.
26. 1 four place frame.
27. 1 cigar case with Andrew's flag.
28. 1 cigar case, Livadia, November 14, 1911, Alix.
29. 1 cigar case with smooth ruby, sapphire in the lock, date 1903.
30. 1 perfume vial.
31. 1 collapsible icon with cross overhead, red enamel.


1. 1 teapotNo. 41.
2. 1 teapotNo. 36.
3. 1 sugar basinNo. 3.
4. 1 sugar basinNo. 75.
5. 1 mirror in a sil[ver] frame
6. 1 teapotNo. 1.
7. 1 teapotNo. 3.
8. 1 teapotNo. 6.
9. 1 slop basinNo. 5.
10. 1 milk jugNo. 9.
11. 1 slop basinNo. 2.
12. 1 sugar basinNo. 100.
13. 1 milk jugNo. 55.
14. 1 milk jugNo.13.
15. 1 teapotNo. 9.
16. 1 teapotNo. 7.
17. 1 milk jugNo. 7.
18. 1 trayNo. 7.
19. 1 trayNo. 13.
20. 1 trayNo. 10.
21. 1 trayNo. 60.
22. 1 trayNo. 17.
23. 1 trayNo. 35.
24. 1 trayNo. 51.
25. 1 trayNo. 12.
26. 1 trayNo. 30.
27. 1 trayNo. 55.
28. 1 trayNo. 98.
29. 1 trayNo. 62.
30. 1 trayNo. 41.
31. 1 trayNo. 59.
32. 1 sugar basinNo. 3.
33. 1 milk jugNo. 31
34. 1 coffee pot with date 1902.

Silverware [undated]

1. 3 big ladles.
2. 8 tea strainers with handles.
3. 4 sugar tongs.
4. 6 small sugar basins numbered: 254, 39, 341, 140, 321, 48.
5. 1 tea strainer with a hook.
6. 1 small teapot with initials [cyrillic] A.F.
7. 1 the same sugar basin.
8. 1 the same cream jug.
9. 1 wine cup.
10. 1 small glass.
11. 1 napkin ring.
12. 6 dessert spoons.
13. 1 biscuit dish.
14. 1 biscuit dish No. 87.
15. 1 tea spoon.
16. 1 collapsible icon.
17. 1 enamel frame with portrait of A[lexandra] F[eodorovna].
18. 1 the same with portrait of M[arie] F.[eodorovna].
19. 1 the same of Romanov family.
20. 1 gold buckle with uncut diamonds.
21. 1 round frame with enamel.
22. 1 the same with the gold thin rim and pink enamel.
23. 1 figured item [illegible] for a calendar.
24. 1 gold cross and small gold icon.
25. 1 small round frame.
26. 1 the same.
27. 1 the same with heart.
28. 1 the same in white enamel.
29. 1 gold paper knife with enamel.
30. 30 trinkets with gold settings.
31. 1 icon in silver setting.
32. 1 copper cross.
33. 1 fastening hook for shoes.
34. 2 silver crosses.
35. 1 gold trinket with enamel.
36. 3 gold dates, November 3, 1896, 1914, November 26, 1904.
37. 1 silver wineglass with blue enamel.
38. 1 Pavel Buhre sea clock.
39. 1 pocket watch in a case.
40. 1 silver carriage clock with date 1894.
41. 1 small carriage clock in a case.
42. 1 piece silver [illegible]

Statement, August 18, 1918.

The Urals Regional Finance Collegium, acquainted with the contents of two trunks containing the belongings of former Tsar Nicholas Romanov and according to the document drawn up by Comrades P. Galanin and Odintsov, have resolved:
Silverware weighing 1 pud, 6 pounds, 71 zolotnik, and articles of gold weighing 1 pound, 21 zolotnik, 84th part of a zolotnik shall be melted down and the value be added to the revenue of the treasury. Small change, in the sum of 7 rubles, 97 kopecks shall be deposited in the People's bank as revenue of the treasury.
to combine the things itemized in the additional list with the things in the two trunks and send them to Moscow at the disposal of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Army Deputies.
Chairman, Regional Commisar of Finances.

Key A.45

1. 2 muffs of astrakhan fur
2. 3 boas of sable fur
3. 4 muffs of sable
4. 1 astrakhan fur hat
5. 1 rabbit fur cap
6. 4 boas of ermine
7. 1 man's gray sheepskin cap
8. 1 white sheepskin small rug
9. 2 silk light-gray dresses
10. 1 gray wool dress
11. 3 indigo wool dresses
12. 4 knitted silk jackets
13. 2 silk brown shirts
14. 1 knitted red skirt
15. 2 beige chocolate colored dresses
16. 4 sable cuffs
17. 4 cashmere dresses
18. 4 astrakhan fur jackets, large
19. 4 sealskin hats
20. 3 astrakhan fur caps
21. 4 ermine muffs
22. 4 velvet caps wiht goat fur trimmings
23. 2 beaver fur caps
24. 2 sable collars
25. 4 ermine collars
26. 5 sable necks
27. 2 white boas with the heads of the animal
28. 2 gray goat fur throat wraps
29. 4 ermine muffs
30. 2 red dresses trimmed with sable
31. 1 gray feather down boa
32. 3 " " muffs
33. [illegible] grey velvety muffs

These things listed above handed over by House of Special Purpose Commandant Y. Orlov (Yurovski) to Kremlin Commandant Malkov

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