The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Imperial Dining - Tatiana's Birthday

Held in the Alexander Palace on May 29, 1905 OS

From the Alexander Palace Archives, hand written, in script with drawings of the layout:

Description of the Imperial Luncheon on the Occasion of the Birthday of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nickolaevna which took place in the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo on May 29, 1905.

At 10 o'clock in the morning together with coffee they brought to Her Majesty's Sitting Room a tiered cake (baumkuhen) and a sweet pie on the occasion of Tatiana Nickolaevna's birthday.

At 11 AM the Emperor, the Empress and Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana and Maria listened to the Divine Liturgy in the the church of the Grand Palace of Tsarskoe Selo. After the service they all returned to the Alexander Palace for the Imperial Luncheon.

In the Portrait Hall they laid Their Majesties own table with hors d'oevres for 10 persons. The carpet was put out on the floor. Cut crystal of wide facet and china with a dark-blue border and a black eagle of the china set of Tsarskoe Selo.

In the Semi-circular Hall Their Majesties' own table for ten persons was laid, In the middle of the Table there was a round tray with fresh flowers, 1 silver bowl of sweets, 1 bowl of sponge cakes, 1 bowl of strawberries, 1 bowl of fruits, 1 bottle with the (Imperial) monogram of Madeira, 1 bottle with monogram of red wine, 1 carafe of bread kvass, 1 carafe or water. Crown silver, gilded dessert articles of the Imperial Court, cut crystal of wide facet, china, dessert plates and coffee cups with blue border and a black eagle, blue slop-basins all belonging to the china set of Tsarskoe Selo. Soft yellow silk local chairs and a big red carpet on the floor.

Two round tables for ten persons each and two round tables for 11 persons were laid in the middle of the Semi-circular Hall. In the middle of each table was around tray with fresh flowers, 1 silver bowl of sweets, 1 bowl of sponge cakes, 1 bottle with monogram of Madeira, 1 bottle with monogram of red wine, 1 carafe of bread kvass, 1 carafe of water, table silver with stamped coat-of-arms, dessert gilded artcles of the Imperial Court, cut crystal of wide facet, china, dessert plates and coffee cups with a dark-blue border and a black eagle, dark-blue slop-basins all belonging to the china set of Tsarskoe Selo. Soft red chairs.

The Imperial luncheon began at 12:25. Before luncheon the guests were served with vodkas and four kinds of German hors d'oevres in the Semi-circular and Billiard Halls.

The tables were served for 64 persons. 60 persons were present. (note: extra seats for the Tsar to move from table to table)

The menu was printed in the hectograph on paper with a small gold eagle.

When the luncheon was over the guests were served with chocolate, coffee and sponge cakes at tables.

(note: that evening)The Imperial dinner took place in His Majesty's New Study. The table was laid for two persons - the Emperor and the Empress.

The servants wore their Sunday uniforms the whole day.




Wines: Madeira N 2
Boucheval of 1893 Champagne Monopole


Botvinia /only on Their Majesties' own table/
Soup "Bonne Femme"
(note: pies containing meat, fish, vegetables, etc.) and pot-pies
Mutton Cutlets "Boucher" /1 garnish, 1 gravy/
Chicken "Cote Portuguese" /1 garnish, 1 sauce/
Strawberries "Refechi"


to see an example of an actual Imperial Menu go here


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