The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Plans, Maps and Churches - Map of the Alexander Palace and Park

Alexander Palace is on the right

Palace Tour

Gala Parade Halls
Restoration of the Palace
Rooms of Alexandra
Rooms of Nicholas II
The Children's Floor
Rooms of the Right Wing
Palace Park
The Imperial Garage
Imperial Dining
Plans, Maps and Churches
Imperial Yacht Standardt

Semi-Precious Hardstone Animals

Here are some images of my favorite hardstone, Faberge-like animals from my collections with stories about how they were created and why

Learn more - Byzantium and Hagia Sophia - Links

This is a page on the Hagia Sophia website of links to other websites with related topics or information.  Sometimes site visitors want to learn more

Jewels of the Romanovs
Memories of Aleksei Volkov
Lost Splendor by Felix Yussupov