The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Palace Park - Palace Park Views

photos by Scott Johnson

The Alexander Palace park is described in our online book "Tsarskoe Selo in 1910" thusly:

Here begins Fir Avenue. It leads past the Llama House and the Photographic Pavilion to the Llama Bridge, past the Arsenal and over the Dragon and Chinese Bridges to Krasnoe Selo, but beyond the park boundaries it has the Arsenal Road. From the Alexander Gate to the Llama House the avenue is edged with firs of striking beauty; the remains of a "vista" made at some time or other through the thick wood, which grew here from immemorial time.

Half way between the Alexander Gate and the Llama House, between the avenue and the park boundary, the new stone Fir Guard House for two park rangers was built by Danini in 1902. Fir Avenue, Stolbovaya Road, and the Llama House road, past the Elephant House to the Stolbovaya, enclose a wide triangular space, which has no roads and is quite wild.

That part of the Alexander Park which lies to the northwest of the Llama House and stretches up to the town near the Alexander Palace, was until 1895 a beautiful meadow adorned with magnificent groups of trees and served as a broad pasture land for cattle belonging to the Imperial Farm. Now this pasture is surrounded by buildings; at its boundaries stand the Barracks of the Railway-Regiment, His Majesty's Own Life-Guards, His Majesty's Own Infantry Regiment, the buildings of the Imperial Railway Pavilion, and the Imperial Garage. Access to this part of the park is via a road which runs from the Llama House to the town along the boundaries of that part of the Alexander Park. During the residence of the Court at Tsarskoe Selo the public is not admitted here. Another carriage drive begins half way from the small Llama Dam and passes all the buildings, which have just been mentioned.


The photos at the top are a delightful tour through the park, its canals and bridges.  Many visitors to our site will recognise many these views from historic piuctures of the Imperial family at lesiure in the vast park. 


Palace Tour

Gala Parade Halls
Restoration of the Palace
Rooms of Alexandra
Rooms of Nicholas II
The Children's Floor
Rooms of the Right Wing
Palace Park
The Imperial Garage
Imperial Dining
Plans, Maps and Churches
Imperial Yacht Standardt

Alexander Panel in Hagia Sophia

Here's a page I wrote that is dedicated to the very hard to find mosaic in the upper gallery of Hagia Sophia of the Byzantine Emperor Alexander - Alexandros

Schaffer Collection of Russian Art Treasures

Here's a great article with an actual catalog from the Schaffers - before ALVR was opened - offering Faberge and Imperial treasures for sale in New York

Jewels of the Romanovs
Charles Cameron - Imperial Architect
Lost Splendor by Felix Yussupov