The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Imperator Aleksandr III Imperatritsa Maria Fedorovna (Emperor Alexander III Empress Maria Fedorovna)
by N.S. Batenin, G.V. Vilinbakhov, K.S. Kuzmin


Published: 2006

Genre: Exhibition catalog

Publisher: Saint-Petersbourg

Languages: Russian

ISBN Hardcover: None

ISBN Softcover: No softcover edition available

Print Status: in print

Imperator Aleksandr III Imperatritsa Maria Fedorovna (Emperor Alexander III Empress Maria Fedorovna)


A catalogue of the recent exhibition in Saint-Petersbourg. Russian text only.

(Title in Russian: Император Александр III Императрица Мария Федоровна)

unique features:

Reproductions of the photos, paintings, portraits, dresses, furniture, various documents, letters, statues, interiors of the Imperial palaces, Faberge eggs, Imperial porcelain, models of the Imperial trains and yachts, a mass of watercolours by famous M. Zichy.

in my opinion:

Fantastic and gorgeous!

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Svetlana

Book Finder

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