The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Lost Crown
by Sarah Miller


Published: 2011

Genre: Fiction

Publisher: Atheneum

Languages: English

ISBN Hardcover: 9781416983408

ISBN Softcover: No softcover edition available

Print Status: in print

Lost Crown


From the publisher:

Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia.  Like the fingers on a hand -- first headstrong Olga; then Tatiana, the tallest; Maria the most hopeful for a ring; and Anastasia, the smallest. These are the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II, grand dutchesses living a life steeped in tradition and privilege.  They are each on the brink of starting their own lives, at the mercy of royal matchmakers.  The summer of 1914 is that precious last wink of time when they can still be sisters together -- sisters that link arms and laugh, sisters that share their dreams and worries, and flirt with the officers of their imperial yacht.But in a gunshot the future changes -- for these sisters and for Russia.

As World War I ignites across Europe, political unrest sweeps Russia. First dissent, then disorder, mutiny -- and revolution. For Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, the end of their girlhood together is colliding with the end of more than they ever imagined. 

At the same time hopeful and hopeless, naïve and wise, the voices of these sisters become a chorus singing the final song of Imperial Russia. Impeccably researched and utterly fascinating, this novel by acclaimed author Sarah Miller recounts the final days of Imperial Russia with lyricism, criticism and true compassion.

unique features:

Closely follows the factual events of the Romanovs' captivity without the invention of survival theories or fictional romances between the grand duchesses and their guards.

Also, the only fictional account narrated in the first person by all four grand duchesses.

similar to:

Snow Mountain

in my opinion:

See the official publisher's page for reviews by Booklist and Kirkus:

where to find this book:

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this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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