The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II
by Edvard Radzinsky


Published: 1992

Genre: Biography

Publisher: Doubleday

Languages: English (translated from the Russian)

ISBN Hardcover: 0385423713; Russian edition: 570270651x

ISBN Softcover: 0385469624

Print Status: in print

Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II


A popular biography of Russia’s last tsar by an award-winning Russian dramatist. (Email for cover photo of Russian edition.)

unique features:

Offers a contemporary, Russian perspective from one of the first authors granted access to GARF.

similar to:

Nicholas & Alexandra

in my opinion:

An enjoyable read, written in a dramatic style, though Radzinsky occasionally speculates on the emotions of his subjects without differentiating his theories from the factual record.

where to find this book:

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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