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Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve: Collections Catalogue, Vol.XVII, Book I Photographs, 1850-1917
by Victoria F. Plaude


Published: 2013

Genre: Catalog

Publisher: Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve

Languages: RUSSIAN

ISBN Hardcover: No hardcover edition available

ISBN Softcover: 978-5-905967-07-8

Print Status: in print

Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve: Collections Catalogue, Vol.XVII, Book I Photographs, 1850-1917


From the publisher:
The first part of a scientific catalogue of photographs from the Tsarkoye Selo collection.  It opens  a series of scientific catalogs of the Museum’s collections and includes 561 black and white and colour images. The earliest ones date from the 1850s, the most recent ones (colour autochromes) are from 1917.

The catalogue is divided into five thematic chapters (Portraits, Events, Tsarskoye Selo, Albums, Palace Interior in 1917) and equipped with extensive reference material, such as a glossary, an index of photographers, photo studios, specialty shops and firms, and indices of persons, palaces, interiors, parks and city buildings in the photos. The book gives a detailed description of the images, most of which were neither exhibited nor published earlier.  

This publication is designed for professionals, collectors, antique dealers, and anyone interested in the history of Tsarskoye Selo. 

Title in Russian: Государственный музей-заповедник «Царское Село». Каталог коллекций. Том XVII. Книга I.  В. Ф. Плауде. Фотография. 1850-е–1917.

unique features:

From the publisher:

We are very glad that we have managed to include the coloured autochromes with views of the Catherine and Alexander Palaces, which the Museum acquired last year at an auction in Paris.

Included among the rarest photos in the catalog are 27 pictures from the photo book Views of Tsarskoye Selo (Scherer, Nabholz & Co. photo studio, Moscow, 1870), pictures of Prince Baryatinsky’s Tsarskoye Selo mansion’s interiors destroyed during WWII (Ivan Bianchi, 1870), and St. Isaac’s Cathedral (Karl Bulla, 1900s). 

similar to:

Aleksandrovskii Dvorets Albom (Alexander Palace Album)
Nicholas & Alexandra: The Last Imperial Family of Tsarist Russia

in my opinion:

An exceptionally rare volume (only 75 copies have been printed -- later editions will be in digital form) filled with high-quality reproductions of scarce vintage photographs.

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

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