The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Biographies - Ortino


The Imperial Family loved animals and had quite a pack of assorted dogs, cats, parrots and fish. "Ortino" was Tatiana's French Bulldog, seen below in her lap. Anastasia is with Tatiana and this picture was taken in the Alexander Palace Park after the revolution. Ortino was very privileged and had complete run of the palace. He slept with Tatiana at the foot of her bed. Unfortunately he snorred loudly, which disturbed Olga, who shared the a bedroom with Tatiana.

Tatiana had a collection of Ortinos carved in semi-precious stones just like this one made of rock crystal set with blue sapphires and a gold collar. She kept them in her bedroom and now they have been dispersed around the world, including one in the Cleveland Museum.

Ortino went with Tatiana into exile, but disappears. The last time we see him Tatiana is struggling to carry Ortino while dragging a heavy suitcase through ankle deep mud and a howling crowd at the Yekaterinburg train station. This was two months before she and her family were murdered.


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