The salon received its name from the brilliant poppy red silk wall coverings which adorn the walls and furniture of the hall. The color combination of white, deep red, gold and dark mahogany is impressive and sensual.
The tall, double doors are made of imported tropical mahogany with delicate, gilt bronze applied ornaments. They are surrounded by highly polished white pilasters decorated by the artist Scotti, who worked at the Tauride Palace and elsewhere in St. Petersburg. His highly finished and decorative work was much in demand at the time.
A beautiful pediment caps the doorway and rich, dark mahogany furniture, which matches the doors, adorns the chamber. The floor is a rather plain parquet.
Le salon ponceau est appelé de ce nom à cause des tentures de soie de cette couleur. Les portes sont en acajou orné de bronzes, et sont entournéés de chambranles en stuc planc décorés par Scotti.