Rob Moshein has written an excellent article on the challenges of finding Jewish ancestors and creating your own family tree.
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From the Mayor of St. Petersburg History of the Alexander Palace | Chronology1792 - 1796 Design and construction of the Alexander Palace by Giacomo Quarenghi 1801 - 1825 Alexander I occupies the Palace as a permanent residence 1809 Interiors completed to the design of Luigi Rusca; Wall paintings completed by Giovanni Battista ScottI Private apartments of Nicholas I and Alexandra Fyodorovna redecorated; work attributed to Ivan Starov 1837 Crimson Drawing Room redecorated by Konstantin Ton 1825 - 1855 Nicholas I occupies the palace as a summer residence 1846 Iron balconies added to the garden elevation, designed by Alexander Briu1lov and Ippolit Monighetti 1855 - 1881 Alexander II occupies the palace as a permanent residence 1881 - 1894 Alexander III occupies the palace as a summer residence 1892 Exterior semi-circular steps to both the Imperial Suite and the English Suite re-built. Marble paving within the aula is removed and replaced with plants; marble slabs are re-used as interior paving 1894 - 1917 Nicholas II occupies the palace as a permanent residence 1895 Southeast wing of the palace reconfigured and redecorated by Roman Meltser to serve as private apartments of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fyodorovna. Northwest wing redecorated using furnishings supplied by the English design firm Maples & Co. to the design of Shrenburg 1898 Iron beams inserted into floors and ceilings of the Imperial wing; Field Church incorporated into the Crimson Room 1899 Artificial marble finishes restored; elevator installed in the Imperial Wing corridor Interior redecoration completed in the New Study, Maple Room and children's rooms 1903 Basement excavated under the aula; cast stone roof balustrade replaced with wood Roors above the children's rooms are repaired. 1917 Tsar Nicholas II and his family exiled to Tobolsk, and later executed 1918 Palace opened to the public as a museum 1920s Upper floors of the Palace used as a "club house" for the secret police (NKVD). Portions of the Palace are use as a children's home for the Young Communist League (Komsomol) 1935 March 20: All-Russia Central Executive Committee designates the palace a historic landmark 1941 - 1944 German military forces blockade the city of Leningrad and occupy Tsarskoe Selo, including the Alexander Palace 1941 - 1945 The Palace is badly damaged by shelling. In addition to facade damage, the Mauve Sitting Room and comer rooms are virtually destroyed 1945 Control of the Alexander Palace is transferred to the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Russian Literature for proposed museum use. A comprehensive repair campaign is recommended, including repairs to the colonnade, restoration of the west wing to the Stasov design, and the return of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fyodorovna's apartments to Meltser's Art Nouveau design. Initial stages of the project are carried out by the state construction agency Lenakademstroiproyekt under the direction of architect L. M. Bezverkhnii 1951 Control of the Alexander Palace is reassigned to the Soviet Navy for use as a research institute Roof repairs are carried out, and heating system is repaired and upgraded; minor renovation is carried out to adapt the building for military use 1957 Annual maintenance and minor repairs carried out 1996 Alexander Palace registered on first World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites. American Express Company awards a grant of $100,000 through the program to be directed toward emergency roof repair on the palace. |
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