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News and Announcements - Library of Congress Adds APTM

The US Library of Congress Adds Alexander Palace Time Machine to the Library!

The Library of Congress has asked permission to include the Alexander Palace Time Machine to its historic collection of internet materials.  We are honored to be so included.

Bob got the following email this morning:

Date: April 15, 2010 10:47:32 AM CDT
Subject: Library of Congress Permission Request

To Whom It May Concern:

The United States Library of Congress has selected your Web site for inclusion in its historic collections of Internet materials. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and to the American people to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including Web sites. We request your permission to collect your web site and add it to the Library's research collections. The following URL has been selected for archiving:

We request your permission to collect your web site and add it to the Library's research collections. In order to properly archive this URL, and potentially other URLs of interest on your site, we would appreciate your permission to archive both this URL and other portions of your site. With your permission, the Library of Congress or its agent will engage in the collection of content from your Web site at regular intervals over time and make this collection available to researchers both onsite at Library facilities and though the Library's public Web site By special arrangement, the Library may also make this collection available to scholarly research institutions for web archive research. The Library hopes that you share its vision of preserving Internet materials and permitting researchers from across the world to access them. The following link also includes a separate consent for permitting the Library to provide offsite access to your!
materials through the Library's Web site.

Our Web Archives are important because they contribute to the historical record, capturing information that could otherwise be lost. With the growing role of the Web as an influential medium, records of historic events could be considered incomplete without materials that were "born digital" and never printed on paper. For more information about these Web Archive collections, please visit our Web site (

If you have questions, comments or recommendations concerning the web archiving of your site please e-mail the Library's Web Archiving team at at your earliest convenience. Thank You.

Web Archiving Team
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540


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