Why a web page may look different on different computers. This article that was written by Walt and is on the Pallasart site.
Church of the Crucifixion
Beneath the Church of the Savior-on-High is the Church of the Crucifixion, built under the reign of Tsar Fyodor Alexeievich in 1681.
The icons of this church are the incomparable work of ardent faith and pious fervor. The figures of these icons, attached to linen, were painted in the 17th century by the painter of the Tsar's workshop, Poznansky; the "stuffings" are made from silk fabric, artistically embroidered by the Tsarevnas. The whole work is of very delicate coloring and a beautiful design.
In an oratory which takes up a small part of the church on seen beneath a mica covering, the highly artistically valuable icons which are the work of the Tsar's icon painters, Ivan Saltyanov and Ivan Bezmin in the 17th century.
The Oratory
At the bottom of the oratory is Christ on the Cross made of cedar wood, spruce and cypress, made in 1687 modeled on the Holy Life Giving Cross and is of the same size.
The Church of the Crucifixion is an annex of the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Savior.
It is on the same level with the platforms of this church, as it is with the church of the Crucifixion in Jerusalem, in the Temple of the Resurrection.
The Holy Door
The door giving access to the platforms of the church of the Resurrection is an ancient Holy Door, of great beauty.
In 1903 Their Imperial Majesties Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna worshipped in this church.