The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Imperial Yacht Standardt - Dowager Empress's Room

from an 1896 British Magazine

These images of the Imperial Yacht Standart were not very good, but we hope you will find them interesting.

Palace Tour

Gala Parade Halls
Restoration of the Palace
Rooms of Alexandra
Rooms of Nicholas II
The Children's Floor
Rooms of the Right Wing
Palace Park
The Imperial Garage
Imperial Dining
Plans, Maps and Churches
Imperial Yacht Standardt

Room over the Vestibule Mosaics in Hagia Sophia

The mysterious mosaics of the room over the vestibule.  Why is no one permitted access? Have these 9th century mosaics been destroyed?

Comparing to GEDmatch

A comparison showing how GEDmatch and display there information in different ways and how they interprete your DNA results.

Memories of Aleksei Volkov
Jewels of the Romanovs
Alexander Palace Book Finder